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Sunday, August 02, 2015

45 Homicides In July Becomes Baltimore’s Deadliest Since 1972

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — The deadliest month in more than four decades. Forty-five homicides for the month of July in Baltimore.

Tracey Leong explains how leaders are working to make the streets safer.

The surge in homicides and violent crimes has city and community leaders on high alert–desperate for change.

Homicides in Baltimore rise to 45 in July–a gruesome statistic, making it the deadliest on record since 1972.



  1. Since the last riots there's over a hundred less rioters and over 200 recovering from gun shot wounds. They need to keep on trying to break records because you know as soon as the judge agrees to the change of venue they will all start acting up again.

  2. Like the Mayor says, these impoverished folk need to vent their anger. Looks like it's working real good.

  3. "It's for the children" ,is political correct , "the black children" , not political correct.

  4. Even the new police chief has decided to go reactive instead of proactive. The police do not have the backing of the mayor or states attorney. Will someone come up with the number of blacks vrs blacks on this one.

  5. I'd love to see the racial stats of these shootings.

  6. How's that increased gun control working for ya....baltimorons!

  7. Another NORMAL day in Baltimore..

  8. The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb

  9. And the only thing African Americans have to fear are other African Americans and that is a fact. As soon as they stop the lies then and only then will God stop the wrath He is heaping upon them.

  10. People that live near Baltimore are totally in denial about how all this violence impacts their life. They think that because they live several city blocks away they are safer than the area where the riots began. Riots are like cancer that spreads as the locals become unable to loot the same area again and again. New areas become in focus and the cancer spreads outward to effect everything within the beltway.

  11. Nooooo
    Not in baltimorans

  12. And you can count on more democrats getting elected.

  13. It is no wonder that people are staying away from Baltimore. Even for sporting events. We watched as the fans that were at local restaurants before a game get attacked by these thugs. Who wants to go to a sporting event if this could happen. I'm sure people that had planned to visit Baltimore have changed their plans. Whether this is happening close to the Inner Harbor or not people that are not familiar with the area don't know that, not to mention in a blink the rioters could show up where the tourist frequent.

  14. Give them more bullets. Eventually they will kill each other off.

  15. Reminds me of the Randy Neuman song "It's a Jungle Out There".

  16. Democrats set up abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and let them kill each other in the streets all while calling Conservatives racist...Maybe I should switch to Democrat.

  17. This Isn't true. The mayor gave them room to destroy only for 2 days.

  18. Mosbly makes 300k a year for what?

  19. If they could step it up and make it a couple thousand a month..... Our problems would be solved on a couple decades

  20. Since the police have no support from their city leaders, expect to see more of this in all urban areas of cities with a high minority population.

  21. Salisbury is just a step behind


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