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Sunday, August 16, 2015

2 Miami fire-rescue trucks collide; 12 injured

Twelve people were injured, including seven firefighters, Tuesday afternoon in a violent crash involving two Miami Fire-Rescue Department vehicles.

The force of the crash was so strong that the fire truck spun 360 degrees, hit a curb and flipped on its side, said Miami Assistant Fire Chief Pete Gomez The rescue truck’s front was sheared off.

“When you have a 40,000-pound truck flip on its side, and no one is seriously hurt, I’d say that’s a pretty lucky day,” Gomez said.


Read more here: http://www.bradenton.com/2015/08/11/5936958_fire-truck-ambulance-collide-in.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy


  1. Getting to a fire is one thing but killing is just plain murder.I lost a family member due to a hotheaded fireman. They are an out of control agency.

    1. Really? How do we know your family member wasn't to blame and your holding a grudge? A rare freak accident and you find a way to bring that up? Hope all these men and women are OK.

  2. WTF!! Did they borrow some of the idiot farmin drivers from Hebron and Salisbury?

  3. Anonymous said...

    Getting to a fire is one thing but killing is just plain murder.I lost a family member due to a hotheaded fireman. They are an out of control agency.

    August 12, 2015 at 8:39 AM

    I agree with you. Look at the Salisbury Fire Department with it's lame leadership under Rick Hoppes and John Tull.

  4. this is definitely going to happen with the Salisbury Fire Department with them self dispatching fire trucks on every ambulance calls.

  5. Well let's see hear a fire truck and an ambulance collide at an intersection while responding to calls with lights and siren on. Sounds to me like the fire department is at fault and should be charged accordingly.

  6. Does anyone know why 2 of Salisbury's ambulances are still out of service? Didn't they wreck those 2 ambulances?

  7. accide happen. If you all hate the fire department so much then just do not call them. If you want change then run for public office. You all will not run, you prefer to complain. I would like to see you attempt to become a productive member of a fire department. However none of you will attempt that also. Instead you post here, oh Salisbury is so terrible. Well it is not and yes I work there and love my job. I have gotten to do some great things I am proud of, things you keyboard jockeys will never risk your life to do. Why not trying to get behind your department.

  8. 9:17.....I don't work there but I've got to agree with you. There's a lot of bashing but the first place they call when there's a problem is.....yep, the fire dept. Those of you that think it's so bad, just call the station and ask to join as a volunteer or career member. Or, sign up to run for City or County Council and make a change. But most of you are wimps and will continue to hide behind the keyboard.

  9. Anonymous said...
    accide happen. If you all hate the fire department so much then just do not call them. If you want change then run for public office. You all will not run, you prefer to complain. I would like to see you attempt to become a productive member of a fire department. However none of you will attempt that also. Instead you post here, oh Salisbury is so terrible. Well it is not and yes I work there and love my job. I have gotten to do some great things I am proud of, things you keyboard jockeys will never risk your life to do. Why not trying to get behind your department.

    August 12, 2015 at 9:17 AM

    Well you obviously do nothing productive at the Salisbury Fire Department if you have time to troll on this blog and attack the critics.

    By the way your name is?

    1. You obviously do nothing productive in life coming on here attacking those who want to save lives!!!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:17.....I don't work there but I've got to agree with you. There's a lot of bashing but the first place they call when there's a problem is.....yep, the fire dept. Those of you that think it's so bad, just call the station and ask to join as a volunteer or career member. Or, sign up to run for City or County Council and make a change. But most of you are wimps and will continue to hide behind the keyboard.

    August 12, 2015 at 9:44 AM

    We don't call the fire department we call 911 when we need an ambulance. We don't call for a fire truck just to justify your jobs. There is no need for a paid fire department in Salisbury. Let the county take over all of the ambulance services and give the fire department back to the volunteers. There is no need for a fire truck on ambulance calls. You people are a joke. Just because you are proud of what you do doesn't justify your jobs.

    1. You sir are very misinformed. The county departments cannot handle what they have now. Re-alerts and scratches, you can hear them everyday. The volunteers in Salisbury are dead. They cannot even get out on house fires, on the weekend. Over sixteen minutes before a response, this what you want?

    2. The little boy saved last month makes them worth every dime paid to them in the past and future!

  11. Anonymous said...
    Really? How do we know your family member wasn't to blame and your holding a grudge? A rare freak accident and you find a way to bring that up? Hope all these men and women are OK.

    August 12, 2015 at 11:20 AM

    A rare freak accident my ass!!!! Someone is to blame for their negligence. Just because it is fire department vehicles doesn't mean it is a rare freak accident.

    Rare my ass. Salisbury has 2 ambulances out of service now because of negligence. Everytime someone drives that tower truck they hit something. Your accidents are not rare and they are not freak and they are not accidents. They are pure negligence and you guys are lucky that you don't get charged most of the time because of professional courtesy. You people are a Fn joke!!

    1. You just asked about the ambulances being out for a reason then post this claimo negligence. You troll! You don't know nothing except how to leave mkms basement to get to her fridge!

  12. Big city has a fire call and an ems call at the same time. Takimg different routes and surley on different radio channels. Accidents happen. Whether it's them colliding or the many idiots posting that never move out of the way or cut these emergency vehicles off.

  13. Gee when they announced equipment out of service yesterday morning they only listed 1 EMS u it for Salisbury out of service. Where did you hear that 2 units were o.o.s.? 3 ambulances run the city yesterday with the Bariatric unit sitting unstaffed at a firehouse.

  14. It appears 1140 & 1143 & 1147 would be the same person. So, my name is the same as yours, Mr Macho. And, yes, the poster may even be off today instead of blogging while he's working.....as firemen, EMT's, and paramedics do get a day off occasionally. Yes, you call 911 for an ambulance...IF you have a medical emergency and you may get an engine, staffed with EMT's and/or paramedics, so when is that a crime? Did you ever notice that at a fire there will also be an ambulance? And who will you expect when you call 911 for a fire.....just an ambulance? Again, I would suggest that you join your local volunteer dept and make a difference. Or, take the classes and apply to work there, climb the career ladder, and then become the Chief so you can make the changes. You know, stupidity is an interesting area of concern.....and you, sir, reinforce my belief in that thought.

  15. I need more coffee.

  16. Anonymous said...
    You just asked about the ambulances being out for a reason then post this claimo negligence. You troll! You don't know nothing except how to leave mkms basement to get to her fridge!

    August 12, 2015 at 12:20 PM

    WTF did you just say? You are obviously a paid guy with that piss poor middle school grammar. Hope they get a real far cheef to weed out you illiterate wannabe firemen on here.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Big city has a fire call and an ems call at the same time. Takimg different routes and surley on different radio channels. Accidents happen. Whether it's them colliding or the many idiots posting that never move out of the way or cut these emergency vehicles off.

    August 12, 2015 at 12:23 PM

    Um.... I can assure you no citizen cut those two clowns off. I have read the reports and I know what is going on you paid troll from the SFD.


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