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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Young Black Conservative Woman Issues Blistering Takedown of George Takei, Other ‘Leftist Racists’

On the heels of actor George Takei’s inflammatory statements about black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, a young black conservative woman got in front of a cellphone video camera and gave it right back to Takei and liberals in general.

After explaining how she got to meet “a lot of leftist racists” who agreed with Takei and even said Thomas wasn’t entitled to views that strayed from liberalism, she really threw down.



  1. As a registered Democrat, I agree with this young lady. Democrats have done nothing and I mean nothing constructive for the black community. Getting a piece of the American pie was never an option. There are more poor Black's in this country than ever before. We just don't see it. We see too much black TV stars,athletes and entertainers to understand how bad it really is for blacks in this country. We spend so much time in denial that we don't see how over the years, we've been betrayed by this party. The democrats talk about the middle class all the time. How about talk about the needs of Black Americans in this country. The LGBT used our struggle to get what they want. Every ethnic group who have arrived in this country have done well with the exception of Blacks in America. It is time to use our vote for those who believe that Black Lives Do Matter. Not that old bitty Hildabeast Clinton, grumpy Saunders or any democrats who do not care about the lives of Black Americans.

  2. As a registered Democrat?
    Most of these people I know are ashamed to tell they are a democrat.
    If you voted for Obama , which you more than likely did , I'd be ashamed also.

    1. For your information, as a registered Democrat, I did not vote for Obama. I didn' t vote for any candidate for President. And, I certainly didn't want a second term Obama presidency.

  3. Don't blame anyone else for your problems.Take full responsibility and accountability.Be as self sufficient as possible and you'll be let down a whole lot less.Don't look at other people.Look to God.He absolutely will not let you down.

  4. 1227, isn't being a "registered Democrat" kind of ignorant these days? I mean, there's no one to vote "for" that's going to "hep" you.

    You need to find your own bootstraps, and ditch the idea of looking or someone to do anything for you.

  5. This young lady speaks the truth. The Democratic Party has been hijacked by socialists in blackface that don't like individual thoughts and opinions. They need sheeple to continue the lies. The Democratic Party was the party of the KKK.

    1. Nothing to do with parties anymore. It's the multi billionaires have spent generations insulating themselves. 3 years ago most would say why is this kid giving opionin go back to school or to bed let the grown ups talk. Now we are grasping for any hope of humanity left.


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