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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release 7-12-15

On 07/10/15 at approximately 1240 hours WCSO responded to 5600 East Market Street in Snow Hill for a report of a woman thrown out of a moving vehicle. Investigation revealed that the victim had been thrown out of a moving vehicle in the 7400 block of Shockley Road. The suspect was identified and a lookout for the suspect and his vehicle was broadcast. The vehicle was observed in Snow Hill and a traffic stop was attempted. The vehicle, driven by the suspect, failed to stop and a pursuit then took place. WCSO assisted by Snow Hill Police and the Berlin Police Department pursued the suspect. The vehicle fled to 7438 Shockley Road where the suspect fled from the vehicle to a wooded area and was apprehended shortly thereafter. The suspect was then placed under arrest, processed and taken before the District Court Commissioner where he was held on a $75,000 bond in Worcester County Jail.

Rodnelle James Copes
46 year old male
7438 Shockley Road
Snow Hill, MD

1st Degree Assault
2nd Degree Assault
Reckless Endangerment
Assault on Law Enforcement
Resisting Arrest
Various Traffic Charges


  1. Where is the part about the ass whooping for running and the dogs turned loose when cuffed?

  2. 4:16, i hope that's true and i hope the dog got him good.

  3. This guy has a history of slap jacking women. Put the guy's name in the Salisbury News search engine and you'll see that Matt Maciarello prosecuted the guy before in 2012 and he got 5 years.

    Here is the SBYnews link: http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2012/08/snow-hill-man-convicted-for-domestic.html

  4. Where is the attempted murder charge?

  5. 4:16
    Basex on the police report, that sounds appropriate

  6. Just how do you actually throw someone out of a moving car? I would like to see just how that is done. Even if the victim is unconscious, how the heck does someone do that?

    1. Bingo! Reaching over to open a door. Take off a seat belt while driving and not wrecking or swerving bad even unconscious would be hard. Even more so for a conscious person whom I hope tried to defend themselves. Probably jumped out the car. Many woman get in fights and jumo out of vehicles and off motorcycles. I see mention of injuries. Maybe he just pulled over and threw here out of the car. She gets out and tells the cops he threw her out physically while moving. Men are as bad as women for hooking up with losers. Can't condemn him for his past charges. Alot of men have went to prison for fighting off a crazy ass abusive woman.

  7. If Ohbammay had a son. I hope he got the pure turds kicked out of. Sick of the criminals and those that uphold them. 4:16 I hope you get cuffed and bit by a dog. You liberal anti American turd. I am truly sick of your type. No place in America for you. Well maybe at the base of my boot

  8. 2:50 I am actually dumber now, after reading that. Thanks, Hillary.

  9. Hey Joe...tell those Worcester County boys that I saw some of the one's they are looking for were at Sewell's "love me" gathering last night at City Hall! Looked more like an alternative weekday service for Reverend Jenkin's church...what a joke!


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