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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Why People Like Trump

Last week, 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump dropped his second headline-making comment of the race. Responding to statements from Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., in which McCain labeled Trump’s supporters on immigration “crazies,” Trump shot back that McCain wasn’t a war hero, because he had been captured. “I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump said, paraphrasing a 2008 Chris Rock routine in Michael Scott-like fashion.

Trump’s shot was mean, nasty, uncalled for, and idiotic.

The media world immediately declared Trump’s campaign over. A few days before the comments, Huffington Post — a publication created by onetime failed California gubernatorial candidate Arianna Huffington — announced that it would feature Trump in its entertainment section rather than its politics section. The Wall Street Journal editorial board opined, “It came slightly ahead of schedule, but Donald Trump’s inevitable self-immolation arrived on the weekend when he assailed John McCain’s war record. The question now is how long his political and media apologists on the right will keep pretending he’s a serious candidate.”

Trump’s rival candidates leapt on the opportunity to throw dirt on Trump’s political grave. Governor Rick Perry, R-Texas, said, “I have no confidence that he could adeptly lead our nation’s armed forces. His comments over the weekend should completely and immediately disqualify him from seeking our nation’s highest office.” Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said, “I do think it’s a disqualifier as commander in chief.” Both trail Trump substantially in the polls.

Trump will, and ought to, take a serious hit in those polls after his McCain idiocy. But he will not go down this easily. That’s because Trump exemplifies two qualities many Republican voters seek: brashness and an unwillingness to back down in the face of critics.



  1. He is a leader in a field of careful politicians.

    He is not a politician and he dislikes them.

    He is not afraid of anyone and he speaks from the heart.

    When he is elected President, his rhetoric will be calmed, but his spine will remain firmly in place. He will be good and refreshing for our country. The very fact that he is not liked or appreciated by the Democratic and Republican leadership is one of his biggest assets.

  2. He has more time to talk about issues even if he puts his foot in his mouth now and again. He doesn't have to spend hours upon hours on the phone begging for money to support his campaign, extending favors or sucking up to unions for support. We need a president that has nothing to gain by creating rainbows and unicorns for the mass of sheeple. A tell it like it is candidate is refreshing for a change, whether he wins or not, he is forcing the hand to the house of cards! The other candidates want to dodge the issues, so the only ammo they have is to trash Trump's message and credibility.

    1. You hit EVERY point great job. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT ##!!!!!

    2. Yeah, let's find some more minorities that we can turn away from conservative values with insults.

  3. I think Trump is a good speaker, he's entertaining, he a smart businessman, he has some good ideals. However he's crazier than a Sh*t house rat. An arrogant man who has more money than brains.

  4. for the same reasons they like golden corral and red lobster....

  5. Trump's popularity shows the rank and file republicans have little to no confidence in their own leadership. Maybe they should address that issue instead.

  6. He is a pig and is probably paid by Bush to put on this circus side show. Think about it, nobody hears about other candidates because the news is only chasing Trump waiting for his next zany comment, who do you think benefits.

  7. 5:47 paid by bush. REALLY? ? Typical libitard. I wish you were as worried about the citizenship, birth certificate of your Muslim in chief.

    Paid by bush. Haha BRILLIANT! !!

    1. I wish you were as concerned about the corruption in our election system as you were about a 6 year old Fox news panic drill.
      5:47, conservative voter

  8. I don't like Trump. He is not a real candidate and he will never be elected president.

  9. Republican party hippocracy:
    1. Insult an entire race and lose the Latino vote for conservatives and your a straight talker.
    2. Insult a POW carrier politician who gave up American flight paths to the enemy, getting soldiers killed, and who's father helped cover up the USS Liberty attack and you have crossed the line.

  10. I said the same thing about Obama. We all know how that turned out.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I don't like Trump. He is not a real candidate and he will never be elected president.

    July 23, 2015 at 7:32 PM

    That is what they said about BO.


  12. Trump's comment about McCain POW time was inartful, but McCain was no Sgt. York or Audie Murphy. And that was 4 decades (40 years for slow readers) ago.

    McCain would have been the ideal guy to keep unrelenting pressure on Obama and the VA; instead AZ, the state he represents, had one of the worst VA records.

    And Arizona, as a border state, is overrun by illegal immigrants. Where has McCain been on that topic?

    So I'm glad Trump made some critical points; they were overdue. Citizens need actual public servants in office.

  13. Like him or not, HE"S RIGHT...

  14. Like him or not, he speaks the TRUTH!

  15. He's good at pi$$ing off liberals and career politician. Love him.

  16. Trump for president! Liberals and RINOs can piss off.


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