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Monday, July 27, 2015

Why the LA Times stopped carrying Dixon Diaz


  1. Oh, because they told it like it is, the LA Times quit carrying it. Typical. It's a sin to say anything the truth any more.

  2. I'm sure after reading these snippets that many other publications will pick it up. It's the LA Times' loss.

  3. I think they call it 'tolerance', oh wait...

  4. Good one for all the other newspapers to carry. But you can believe there would be protests by liberals for free speech that only they are allowed to impose.

  5. So let me get this right a "Business" like the L.A. times can fire someone for speaking their mind yet another "Business" can't say they will not bake a cake for a gay and lesbian couple....seems like free speech only exists now if you are a DEM and have money.

  6. This stinks of something bigger than the LA Times.

  7. How easily we forget. There was a time when the Salisbury Daily Times carried the Doonesbury Daily strip. The reader complaint was it was a political cartoon in the comic strip section. The strip was moved to the editorial page and after awhile dropped all together. Doonesbury as you probably know has a liberal slant.

    So we can assume without really knowing for sure that the daily Doonesbury strip disappeared from the Salisbury Daily Times because of the complaints of conservatives many years ago.

  8. I don't see anything wrong with the cartoons posted.

    Can someone please explain what all the hoopla is about?

  9. 3:42 The reason these cartoons got pulled is because they are conservative political cartoons. I am having a difficult time making any more out of it either except they are a little crude. There are people liberal and conservative who do not believe political cartoons belong in the funnies especially so if they disagree with the point of view.This kind of thing happens on both sides all the time.

    Back when grapevine was in the Daily Times the anonymous people complained about editorial page cartoons if they did not agree with the viewpoint. Not everybody has a bright light bulb for a brain. Some brains are quite dim, easily offended and misguided.

  10. This very cartoon was in the Daily times years ago under the name Bloom County

  11. "So we can assume without really knowing for sure that the daily Doonesbury strip disappeared from the Salisbury Daily Times because of the complaints of conservatives many years ago." Doonesbury was never funny - it was just preachy and smug. Sort of like your typical liberal. This stuff is actually entertaining.

  12. To 8:07 probably depends on a person's sense of humor.

    To 7:30 Bloom County was written by Berkeley Breathed before he stopped. He has recently started writing Bloom Country again online.

    Boombox is by a different person, Dixon Diaz. I do believe they have similar styles of cartooning.

  13. He got dropped cause he's obviously copying the art. His polical views are half baked at best.

  14. Hoopla?..Liberals R Afraid of the truth n all those who aren't afraid to speak it!!! So LA Times joins the Fearful n doesn't want Dixons Truth!


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