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Sunday, July 19, 2015


President Barack Obama sent a celebratory message to Muslims around the world on the White House Twitter account nearly two hours before his first tweet on the subject of four dead Marines killed by an Islamic gunman.

“From my family to yours, Eid Mubarak!” —@POTUS to Muslims celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr,” the White House tweeted. This message was tweeted at 4:48 p.m. according to the White House Twitter feed.



  1. He's so repulsive. The only thing worse than obama are the people who support him. They are the worst of the worst. The complete dregs of society.

  2. Have we finally had enough yet???

  3. Should be arrested for Treason.

  4. He prefers muslims. But this is a Christian nation and it will never be changed. We were founded on Christian beliefs and values, not muslim.

  5. FOR REAL ?? Can ANYONE say that this is for REAL ?? Or is this the one side media making it up ??

  6. He is a muslim and it has been documented on record.

  7. Even if he weren't president he's just a repulsive person all around. He lies constantly, he misrepresents, he divides.
    It's shocking that so many African Americans who profess to be Christians can support him in any way what so ever. He is all that Christianity is not. No one can deny the mess the African American communities are in and the major reason is because they really have little to no morals because-if you support obama that means you condone what a dishonest person he is. This is one of the reason's God has turned his back on black communities and we are seeing this swift upswing in violence in them.

  8. This pos does not care for America.

  9. 8:55 No, no we were not. We were founded on GOD with the freedom to CHOOSE how we worship that GOD. Not Christian, not Catholic, not Islam, not Judaism... GOD. Don't like that, leave.

  10. Wrong 11:26 No matter how anyone like to spin it the nation was founded on Christian values. The founding fathers often quoted such when making important decisions.
    Freedom of religion amendment confuses most including yourself. It doesn't mean we are free to choose how we worship. Go and get a live goat and sacrifice it in your front yard and see what that gets you. Or advertise for sale your 12 yr old daughter off to a grown man for marriage and see what happens. Both practices are firmly grounded in a religion.
    What it means is the government can not force anyone belong to a specific religion or can they create on and require people to join or participate.
    This was included because in England everyone was required to belong to the Church of England.

  11. 9:36 Are you kidding? You find this hard to believe? It is totally consistent with what this man does. He is waiting for the facts to determine the shooters motivation because he knows it is a Muslim Terrorist. If it were like the Trayvon or Mike Brown or the connecticut cops cases he would be telling us all kinds of crap before the facts were in.
    'In times of trouble I will side with the Muslims'<<<< BA quote

  12. 12:25 Show me "Christian", "Christianity", "Jesus Christ" or "Bible" in our founding documents. I will wait.

  13. "12:25 Show me "Christian", "Christianity", "Jesus Christ" or "Bible" in our founding documents. I will wait."

    Damn fool. We have a president supporting the filth that murder our servicemen in the name of their religion - and you wet the bed because someone interprets the founders to be guided by Christianity. You need to get over your petty bigotry and examine your priorities.

  14. Our priorities should be God, Country and Community. This lying cowardly president has no idea of our heritage and really doesn't care about our heritage because he was not raised in the USA. The majority knows this to be proven fact. He is a parasitic leech and will do whatever is necessary to ensure his socialist agenda. Our founding fathers put the Second Amendment in our Constitution because they were pretty sure that one day we could have to face another tyrant and that day, my patriots, is now upon us. Operations like Jade Helm are nothing but staging exercises for a military takeover by this tyrant. Our Southern border was intentionally not secured to enable a direct path for his muslim brothers and other third world terrorists to seize the USA by the quickest means possible. Do you think, for one minute, that Operation Jade helm was being staged in the Southwest merely by chance? Wake up America before it's too late. This tyrant has lied to us repeatedly, he sold out our national security as evidenced by him promoting the Iranian nuke deal and by not directly confronting ISIS. Our internal security has been weakened by his lawless unconstitutional actions and statements as evidenced by his use of the IRS and DOJ as his own personal gestapo> WAKE UP!!

  15. 5:54 I don't support Obama, and he is stepping on his own tongue even mentioning ANY religion. For whatever the reason, people kill other people. You throwing insults shows the lack of free thinking needed to carry on a civil conversation.

    "Petty bigotry". Where did I come close to saying something of that nature? GOD is all around us. He's in the air, the water, the food we eat, the families we cherish, the children we create. He's not defined in our United States, only in books written by the hand of many men. Men who are with fault, men who are with sin. GOD wouldn't cast such hatred towards ANY human being, regardless of their race, which book they want to follow, the color of their skin, their sexuality. He created them ALL. Man condemns those things, not GOD.

    My priorities are straight and lined up where they need to be.

    Good day.

  16. The Founding Fathers left nothing to the imagination when they wrote about what was guiding them when they drafted the founding documents.
    While it is someone's prerogative to ignore these writings, the fact stands that this country was founded on Christian principles no matter how anyone tries to spin it.

    From the writings of Thomas Jefferson- "The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God."

    From the diary of John Adams- "The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity."

    John Adams to Thomas Jefferson- "I have examined all religions, and the result is that the Bible is the best book in the world"

    Benjamin Franklin- "As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of morals and His religion as He left them to us, the best the world ever saw or is likely to see"

  17. James Madison, the chief architect of the Constitution, said about the document, "We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it ... We have staked the future of all of our political institutions ... upon the capacity of each and all of us...to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."

  18. The Mayflower Compact, the first legal document drawn up for political reasons in America, is a document that calls for the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the inhabitants of the land.

  19. Again, you are posting the words of MEN, great men, of whom know fault and sin. The same men who did not treat other humans equally, who lied, and waged war against GOD's creations. They are great quotes, and show their personal belief, but they are not the words of the United States of America. Whether it be religion, the Constitution, or a simple movie... it's funny to watch the context change in each generation.

  20. What's wrong with you 4:23? Do you have any better things to say about our country and please be advised that these men put their lives on the line to assure the beginning our country. This current lying, cowardly tyrannical president has done so many lawless acts that he should be tried for treason in addition to the fact that he has never been a role model for leadership! He is not patriotic, is dishonest, is divisive, a 100% cowardly, is a liar, and is an anti-Christian! None of our loyal allies trust him or believe him. His disdain for our military is despicable and demonstrates why this country would be far better off without him! He is a modern day combination of Hitler and Stalin and has made the world a lot more dangerous for all.


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