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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Where's the Beef From?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Under threat of trade retaliation from Canada and Mexico, the House has voted to to repeal a law requiring country-of-origin labels on packages of beef, pork and poultry.

The World Trade Organization rejected a U.S. appeal last month, ruling that the labels that say where animals were born, raised and slaughtered are discriminatory against the two U.S. border countries. Both have said they plan to ask the WTO for permission to impose billions of dollars in tariffs on American goods.

The House voted 300-131 late Wednesday to repeal labels that tell consumers what countries the meat is from — for example, "born in Canada, raised and slaughtered in the United States" or "born, raised and slaughtered in the United States." The Senate has yet to act.



  1. The Republican congress wants us to eat mystery meat? Who would this hurt, the foreign meat sales not US meat. Just who are they looking after?

  2. They are trying real hard to promote American jobs......not.

  3. 300 American hating cowards.

  4. get my beef, pork and chicken locally. mostly organic. very good.

  5. I don't buy most fish now, because it says it is farm raised in China. They have different safety regulations. I now buy my meat at a local farmers market.

  6. Am I the only one who saw china trying to sell frozen meat that's years old?

  7. How is it possible that we can get meat from different countries that have different health standards and regulations.

  8. If they can put it on seafood such as fish and crabmeat then why cant it be put on other meats?

  9. They stamp crabmeat with where it is from please tell me why they can not stamp other meats the same way? And how are these meats being shipped here being regulated?

  10. 1:14 By the same incompetent boobs who bring you "non gmo" and "organic" marketing packages. They (like 99% of all public sector workers) are inept at their jobs and duties.

  11. You even have to watch crab meat now days. Sometimes it will say it is packaged or processed here.....but where does the crab actually come from? It's like Maryland 'style' crab cakes. It doesn't mean the crab meat is from blue crabs from local waters.

  12. Your "leaders" don't want you to know that the meat you consume may have been raised in the most putrid conditions and fed the most polluted food and given hormone and chemical injections that are illegal in the USA.
    Your LEADERS.
    They are more concerned about the pimples on their ace than whether you live or die.
    And you just can't stop cheering long enough to see they are knowingly taking everything you have and everything your children will ever have, too.
    Bribery will NEVER go out of style. Because they won't let it.
    Keep cheering.

  13. I want to make sure my beef actually comes from a cow and my poultry from a chicken. No telling what they might mean when they label it in another country!

  14. Buy Local. Hastings Butcher Shop, Green Branch, other locals bringing us real product!

  15. I wouldn't be surprised if American companies started labeling all their U.S. produced meat. If it isn't marked as pruduced in the U.S. then one can assume it is not.


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