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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Watch As ICE Director Is Forced to Admit Ted Cruz Is 'Absolutely Right' After He Disputes Her Claim

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) interrogated the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement director in a contentious exchange during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration policy on Tuesday. One particularly interesting back-and-forth occurred when ICE Director Sarah Saldana disputed Cruz’s assertion that the Obama administration released 104,000 “criminal illegal aliens.” “When I asked you how many criminals ICE released in 2013, you were off by a factor of three,” Cruz said. “You said 30,000 — the correct answer is 104,000.”



  1. And, she was appointed by Obama. How can he continue to get away with this crap? It's because no republican has the balls to go after him.


  2. Go, Ted!

    Cruz, Gowdy, even Trump are laying it out clear and cold. The media are working overtime to omit, minimize, misrepresent the facts about the criminal enterprise run by the administration.

    Keep the heat on them!


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