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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Trump Says McCain Is Only a War Hero Because He Was Captured, ‘I Like People That Weren’t’

Donald Trump did not mince words Saturday afternoon when he blasted Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) — most notably for being heralded as a war hero.

Speaking at the Family Leadership Summit while in Iowa, Trump continued his ongoing feud with the Republican senator by saying the Vietnam veteran is not a real war hero.

“He’s a war hero ’cause he was captured,” Trump said. “I like people that weren’t captured.”



  1. Trump is beyond disgusting and sickening.

    As a lifelong Republican, I would actually vote for any Democrat in the race now, including Hillary and O'Malley, over him.

  2. 3:36

    Nice try but your not fooling anyone. You were never a republican with that statement.
    In fact, stating that your would vote for Hillary under any circumstances pretty much rules out your claim to be a "lifelong republican"
    Anyone who would even consider voting for Hillary must have brain damage.

  3. Did he seriously go there?

  4. 3:36 another lying libtarded troll.

  5. 3:49 Yep, and he will continue until he pulls out. The Republicans that support this clown will be exposed as low information voters, like the Dems they complain about. Lifelong Conservative R here, who knows how to see through candidates BS.

    Read carefully. Trump is a PROGRESSIVE, on the same level as Obama. He supported Obama, Hillary, Herry Reid and Pelosi. You people are too blind in your hatred of Mexicans, that you get all Rah Rah when he opens his uneducated mouth.

    To the people who support him because he is a "smart business man". The holdings that he inherited are what keeps him afloat. Anything he touches turns to a big pile of dinosaur dung.

  6. Trump is a chump. While I may not agree with McCain on a lot of his political positions, the fact is, I've always respected him. That's much more than I can say about The Combover.

  7. 3:45 you are right on. No way he is anything but a liberal. I myself thought it was funny. McCain, Lindsay, boner, and McConnell all need to be sent home All have been in DC way to long . With all that is going on and they let it happen. Getting a payment somewhere.

  8. I agree with him. What exactly did he do to make him a hero? Did he save anyone?

  9. Says the guy who had a student and later a medical deferment. (Amazing how many rich kids qualified for medical deferments in that era)

  10. Before I post this, please know that I consider John McCain a true American hero, so don't send the hate.
    That said, I think that Trump was pretty much paraphrasing General Patton's famous quote:
    "No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.”
    Donald just needs to work a little bit on his wording....

  11. So, what has/is McCain doing to improve VA care to vets? I did not hear him complain when Biden put his (ineligible) son at the fron of the line at Walter Reed.

  12. He may be a hero but he sure isn't a politician! !!

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Trump is beyond disgusting and sickening.

    As a lifelong Republican, I would actually vote for any Democrat in the race now, including Hillary and O'Malley, over him.

    July 18, 2015 at 3:36 PM

    And you are a true idiot!! If you were a true Republican you would vote for anyone over those two. If you were a true Republican you would never vote for a Democrat again. I think this is some idiot like Chuck Kook trying to make a comment to persuade Republicans to vote Democrat. You are a moron!!

  14. Anyone on here that defends McCain is an idiot and doesn't know the true history. McCain surrendered to the enemy and squealed like a pig so he could get good treatment. He is a coward and didn't suffer any pain for our Country.

    1. Amen! This is fact! McCain is garbage!

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    3:49 Yep, and he will continue until he pulls out. The Republicans that support this clown will be exposed as low information voters, like the Dems they complain about. Lifelong Conservative R here, who knows how to see through candidates BS.

    Read carefully. Trump is a PROGRESSIVE, on the same level as Obama. He supported Obama, Hillary, Herry Reid and Pelosi. You people are too blind in your hatred of Mexicans, that you get all Rah Rah when he opens his uneducated mouth.

    To the people who support him because he is a "smart business man". The holdings that he inherited are what keeps him afloat. Anything he touches turns to a big pile of dinosaur dung.

    July 18, 2015 at 4:15 PM

    Good try Bozo, but we know you are a Democrat.

    Good Republicans don't bash other Republicans like this.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He may be a hero but he sure isn't a politician! !!

    July 18, 2015 at 5:42 PM

    He is no hero. You obviously have no clue what happened. Try educating yourself someday.

    1. You must be pretty educated because your familiar (you think) with McCain. I've have educated myself (2) degrees but you should disquish between fact and opinion. Mostly your opinion. Haha

  17. I don't care for either McCain or Trump. I agree that in the formal sense McCain is not a hero but he sure is more of a hero than the loser "The Donald". Although I like that Trump speaks his mind he is just another useless brainless blowhard.

  18. I happen to like Trump and agree with him. What other politician do you see out there that tells it like it is. You people do not like hearing the truth apparently. Political Correctness be damned. I'm tired of hearing what everyone wants to hear and when elected they do not even come close to doing what they promised. And as for you 3:36 PM, you have got to be out of your mind to even consider voting for Hillary. What a waste of a vote.

  19. 6:43 PM,
    McCain wrecked three F4s before finally getting one shot out from under him. He is the son of an Admiral, that is why he was treated the way he was. When the VC found that out he became a bargaining chip. Hero., well, that's debatable.

  20. Hero or not,anyone who was held captive in a POW camp is off limits for political attack.He may be toast unless he makes a serious and heartfelt apology.

    1. He was held in the Hilton of pow camps.

  21. McCain is a useless RINO. I have often wondered how he did not suffer the same fate as other American POWs during the Viet Nam war. Trump may not be perfect but he has the guts to say what most of us are thinking regardless of political correctness. If he is for real we need someone like him in the White House.

  22. I believe John McCain is a hero as I believe all military personnel are heroes. I also believe Donald Trump is a hero. For not being politically correct. That is a rare attribute. The definition of hero is open to interpretation. One person's hero isn't necessarily another person.

  23. What caused Trumps remark was McCain referring to the people who showed up at Trump's AZ rally "the 15,000 crazies."
    I don't blame Donald Trump. People showed up to hear what Trump had to say and for McCain to call them crazies was uncalled for.
    I used to have respect for McCain but not anymore.

  24. Just lost a lot of votes due to his big mouth, stupidity, arrogance and narcissism! Hell, he even made Jane Fonda look like a patriot!

  25. cmon people give trump a break,he didn't serve because of a bone spur in his foot,enough said.

  26. McCain sucks. I'm voting trump.

  27. When are republican going to get a real candidate to run for office and stop putting on a side show. Its embarrassing. Better yet, when are republican voters going to stand up and DEMAND for better?

  28. The Donald is correct here. Bo bird dog isn't a hero either. There has to be more than just being captured.
    Kudos to him for the survival, however.

  29. 7:53 Your comment bespeaks of a lack of education.

  30. Good try Bozo, but we know you are a Democrat.

    Good Republicans don't bash other Republicans like this.

    July 18, 2015 at 6:44 PM

    So, as a good republican, you would rather support a guy who is hiding in sheep's clothing... than to do your research and let other supporters know what's not right? Got it. That's what is wrong with both parties, and it is disgusting.

    Might I add, you are throwing out insults instead of countering my facts, like every other low information voter. Good job.

  31. "Anonymous said...

    You must be pretty educated because your familiar (you think) with McCain. I've have educated myself (2) degrees but you should disquish between fact and opinion. Mostly your opinion. Haha

    July 19, 2015 at 7:53 AM"

    Really? Your sentence structure and spelling speak of someone who may be inclined to a little bit of lying here or there. If in fact, you have "(2) degrees" as you are claiming, you need to immediately demand your money back because you are far far far from "educated."
    Or maybe it has something to do with that you "educated" yourself thing going on?

    1. Wow. I guess you can't understand what the person is saying educated or not. He says your an idiot and so is McCain. Your on a computer he's on his phone sometimes what you type doesn't come out correctly. But you so smart you knew that. Again, give mama back her computer little guy.

    2. I didn't do the original comment but I can tell you the difference between you're and your. I can tell you that when you are using your you should be using you're. I'm not overly educated but I do know that educated people know the difference.

  32. The word 'hero' is subjective and open to interpretation.
    Personally I find Donald Trump the 'hero' in this situation for not remaining silent after John McCain insulted the Trump supporters.

    McCain's comments were totally uncalled for ("15,000 crazies") and Trump showed us all just how he won't put up with it.

    I also think for far too long McCain has relied on his 'war hero' status to win reelection because he has no senate accomplishments to show. It's gotten as old and worn out as he has become.

  33. Trump is my hero. He tells it like it is. Real heros do not ever bow to political correctness-ever. McCain insulted Trump supporters and Trump wasn't about to let that go without a response. Trump was being honest. If he thinks being captured doesn't make you a war hero then that's his opinion and anyone who finds him disgusting for saying what he thinks, they are the one with the problem.

  34. Everyone in the MSM who matters is off this weekend,so wait for it to hit the fan.For those who think Trump is toast,who knows? Monday will be an enlightening day in politics,as will the rest of the week.Maybe he has sustained irreversable damage and maybe not.Trump has really promised a lot early in the race considering 16 months are left before the election.Monday will tell the tale.

  35. 5:25 said "...For those who think Trump is toast,who knows?..."

    You are correct but personally I think Trump is toast. Even though I don't care for McCain(Keating 5, RINO, etc.) you can't disparage a previous presidential candidate and POW like that and survive. Besides eventually Trump will make some remark that is so out there that the MSM will jump all over him like butter on toast(see what I did there).

  36. McCain was a coward and a weasel who told the enemy everything they wanted to know.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Hero or not,anyone who was held captive in a POW camp is off limits for political attack.He may be toast unless he makes a serious and heartfelt apology.

    July 18, 2015 at 8:49 PM

    Off limits? Why? Because you said so? Moron

  38. Trump is the only candidate acting like any type of leader. You may not like some of the rhetoric, but most of it is spot on.

    He busted McCain for his failures: border security, Veterans Administration...all things that the senator is supposedly deeply concerned and involved with...which have been nothing but failures of policy. McCain has been nasty to Trump and not called on it.

    We need a leader and right now...he is the only one with any damn balls. Republicans and Democrats make me sick...get the hell out of the way and let an American step up for the sake of our country!


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