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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Trump Meets With Families Of Americans Killed By Illegals As Obama To Meet With Inmates

On Friday, 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump met with Jamiel Shaw, Sabine Durden, Don Rosenberg, Lupe Moreno, Brenda Sparks and Robin Hvidston, all of whom reportedly lost a family member at the hands of illegal immigrants, reported Breitbart.

Meanwhile, as Trump took time out of his day to sit down with real victims, President Barack Hussein Obama announced plans to visit a federal prison in Oklahoma next Thursday to bitch about “the unfairness” of the criminal justice system, commute the sentences of 22 federal drug offenders, speak directly with inmates and participate in a Vice documentary (H/T The Hill).

According to The Washington Examiner, “Of the more than 2,200 people who received federal sentences for drug possession in fiscal year 2014, almost three-quarters of them were illegal immigrants.”



  1. Obama met with relatives of his.

  2. drumming up votes for Clinton
    More crooks like him

  3. Trump is good at pissing off liberals. Love it. He's got enough cash he doesn't have to kiss any bodies a$$.


  4. Must be a course in Oklahoma that Ogolfa wants to play.

  5. Man I love fair and unbiased reporting.

  6. So, it took Big O seven years to realize that sentencing laws are unjust, that we shouldn't have 10,000,000 prisoners in our jails and prisons? Did it come to him on the 19th hole?

  7. the prez admitted he had used cocaine earlier in his life maybe he is looking for a new supplier birds of a feather,flock together

  8. Obama is blatant about his liberal ideas to destroy America. As most Americans sit and watch it happen. Any conservative president acting as Obama has would have been impeached, tried, and imprisoned for such actions in public office.

  9. Inmates are obamas kind of people. NO decent moral person would ever want to meet obama as only the complete and utter dregs of society support him.

  10. The comparison of these two men is outstanding. One is principled and has courage to speak the truth, the other has no truth within him to speak and no principles guiding him.

  11. And why is that 4:30?
    I'll tell you.
    It goes back to the family.
    Donald Trump was raised in a traditional family surrounded by positive role models.
    Whereas Obama was born to a sleaze bag run around "mother." Who even knows who his father is and he was dumped off with the grandparents as is the usual with these low life types. His grandparents were no good as evidenced by the sleaze bag daughter they raised.
    They let Obama get away with lying and that is why he is a pathological liar today. They are just an all around putrid foul disgusting low class ghetto family whereas the Trump's have class going back generations.


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