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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Top Dem: 'Simply not enough' to remove Confederate flag

Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee said Sunday that removing the Confederate flag, which he called a symbol of bigotry, racial hatred, and inequality, "is simply not enough."

This week South Carolina's Governor Nikki Haley, R-S.C., called on the state legislature to remove the flag, but Cummings said that action alone is not enough and much more needs to be done in this country on race.

In the wake of the mass shooting in South Carolina, the flag's removal would represent "a major thing that has to happen, and it will happen, I agree," he said on CBS's "Face the Nation." "And I applaud the folks in South Carolina for doing that. I also applaud the governor of Alabama for doing what he's done, taking down the flag. But that is simply not enough."



  1. It's enough to prime the pump,and anyone as old as I am knows what that means.It means that like an old style pitcher pump needs priming to get started so does everything else in life.The more we concede the worse matters will get.No one seems to understand HELL NO anymore.

  2. This bloviator needs to be removed - he is offensive!

  3. Remove the hoodies

  4. Would someone please tell me what the Confederate Flag had to due with those shooting? I must be missing something!

  5. He is right about racial disparities. Over 73% of all black children are borne out of wedlock and over 35% of black kids quit school. Crime rates for blacks are 10 times greater than whites and Hispanics combined.

  6. 10:23 - but then again...they 'did' the crimes!

  7. Cummings is a symbol of racism and bigotry.

    1. Cummings is a very unintelligent piece of work. I watched him on Fox News and he was an embarrassment to the human race. How did that clown even pass Law School?

  8. Isn't it ironic that years ago local and State legislators set up voting districts in primary black areas so that more black folks would be elected. Look at the problems that Baltimore is having and then look toward the leadership. Henceforth, this explains why Cummings is here.

  9. He says it "simply not enough." Would he be satisfied if I go back in time starting at 1609 and make a submarine and sink every slave ship coming from Africa and headed to the new world?

    1. Oh my god you've got the solution.

      Get a working prototype going, file for a patent, put up s kickstarter page. I'm in, what a helluva investment!

  10. Elijah the Communist pointing to all the progress in Baltimore - his massive real estate holdings must be going up in value - whatever happened to his indictment for colluding with the IRS against True the Vote?

  11. Ironic that Obamas family could have owned his family.

  12. 1:40 I think that 10:23 is talking about disparities that Cummings will not face up to or even mention. He is a racist and a Democrat which makes him a liar.


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