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Monday, July 06, 2015

Things I Never Learned In High School


  1. And I can still tell you about "New Math", that incredible waste of a couple of hundred hours of junior high students' time in the early to mid 1960s. I can still picture those Venn diagrams in my mind. They were useless a year later in high school, just as they were in college and beyond.

  2. 8:29 - not much different than "Common Core" in today's schools!

  3. Hey some idiot or idiots have come up with the new COMMON CORE teaching now. God Bless our leaders for their WISDOM.

  4. And from the looks of how the majority handled this Confederate flag crap, they never taught you how to think for yourself!

  5. These were all covered at Delmar High School. How to vote was covered in Civics class. All of the others were covered in Life Skills. Both were required classes to graduate.

  6. In 25 years the need to know 4 out of the aforementioned 7 will no longer be a requirement for ANYONE to know.That 4 will be eliminated.In 45 years ALL of the 7 will have been eliminated.Look at it this way;we will have lost the ability to control everything but we will have gained peace of mind.Freedom of choice is a good thing in a lot of cases,but our choices have endangered our planet because our choices lack scope and vision.We are humans making stupid decisions daily.That's what we do.

  7. Graduated in 01 and they were teaching you to apply for student loans. That's only because they want you in debt now. I lucked out and started at WorWic. I saved a lot of money learning how useless a traditional education is. Learned so much more in the streets.

  8. Everyone should know the Pythagorean Theorem and how to apply it. That along with so many other basic math concepts are far more useful. They are natural laws that never change. The items listed here are all convoluted ways to control natural behavior and they will fail every time. Its just a matter of waiting for it to happen. Or more aptly being alive when they happen. Its gonna be a mess and I hope you are prepared.

  9. Better get the Kool-Aid ready we're going to need it


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