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Friday, July 31, 2015

Then Stop Turning LEFT Before You Make A Right Turn!


  1. Trucks don't have enough space to make a right turn without going left first. Slow down and pay attention and you'll be fine!!

  2. Agreed! the Highway department should have made the roads wide enough to allow them to do a proper turn.....or prohibit their entry completely!

    Turning the opposite way so you don't hit the near curb should be an indicator that the road is too narrow - find another way....most of these guys are taking roads they shouldn't be on in order to avoid the weigh stations...how about putting some "Bronze" there to write weigh station violations? That word will get around and they'll stop coming through....

  3. However,there is absolutely no need for a passenger car to swing left before making a right turn,or vice versa unless the entrance in which they are turning is too narrow.I see it every single day.Why people do that is a mystery.It could also cause a wreck.

  4. everyone needs to give these drivers all the room they need to maneuver their rigs. we count on them for everything. and no, i don't drive a big rig...

  5. Obviously you have never driven with a long trailer behind your vehicle, show some respect and patience.

    And don't worry, autonomous driving is coming so when your hood gets run over by the back tires you will have to argue with a robot that is smarter than you.

  6. 8:00 for a passenger car, the entrance should never be too narrow!

  7. Stop testing and talking on your phone and you will never have to worry about running into someone. Truck drivers work hard and deserve the respect they give you on the road. Pay attention people!

  8. NJ and PA drivers do it all the time!

  9. truckers are not supposed to swing wide before making a turn anymore. They are supposed to enter the left side of the street they are turning into then turn back to the right side. Maybe they didn't get the memo 20 years ago. And that white stop strip? Everyone is supposed to stop within two feet of it without going past it. Hard enough to make a turn without some yahoo ten feet over it.


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