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Monday, July 27, 2015

The Fact-Free Left Part 1

The outrage over another multiple murder of American military personnel on American soil by another Islamic extremist has been exacerbated by the fact that these military people had been ordered to be unarmed – and therefore sitting ducks.

Millions of American civilians have also been forbidden to have guns, and are also sitting ducks – for criminals, terrorists or psychos.

You might think that, before having laws or policies forcing fellow human beings to be defenseless targets, those who support such laws and policies would have some factual basis for believing that these gun restrictions save more lives, on net balance, than allowing more legal access to firearms. But you would be wrong.

Most gun control zealots show not the slightest interest in testing empirically their beliefs or assumptions. There have been careful factual studies by various scholars of what happens after gun control laws have been instituted, strengthened or reduced.

But those studies are seldom even mentioned by gun control activists. Somehow they just know that gun restrictions reduce gun crime, no matter how many studies show the opposite. How do they know? Because other like-minded people say so – and say so repeatedly and loudly.



  1. "Somehow they just know that gun restrictions reduce gun crime, no matter how many studies show the opposite. "

    Deer Lady thinking at the national level, but worse, because they still believe after a sit-down explanation.

  2. Don't want to carry a firearm? Don't believe in guns? Then don't carry a firearm. Simple as that. But leave me the hell alone and allow me to make my own decisions.

  3. 2:51
    I would never carry a firearm. They scare me to death. However I have no problem with you carrying one. I will just hide behind you if the SHTF lol

  4. Some people don't drive either, but I don't care.


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