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Friday, July 10, 2015

The Encouraging Message Behind These Semicolon Tattoos

Since the days of traditional sailor and prison tattoos, tattooing has truly become an art — and many people search for a specific print that holds a special meaning to them. Now, a new trend has emerged: Instead of butterflies or Chinese symbols, more and more people have been getting a semicolon tattoo.

Observers of the new semicolon tattoo trend may initially wonder: Is the tattooed person a grammar Nazi? Does the person even know what that symbol stands for? Is it a sign for a secret brotherhood that is fighting to reclaim the proper usage of the semicolon as a separator of sentence elements?

The latter might be onto something — except the semicolon tattoo is far more than just a statement about punctuation. It’s about mental health and destroying the negative stigma attached to it. If you’ve seen a person with a tiny semicolon on their wrist or arm, you’re facing someone who has overcome serious mental health issues — from depression and anxiety, to schizophrenia — and has chosen not to end their lives, but rather to move forward anew.



  1. They need one right smack in the center of their forehead.

  2. Stupid. Wanna die? Do it! Don't get a tattoo to get even more attention. Oh I'm suicidal but my tattoo keeps me alive. Smdh.

  3. Tattoos are forbidden in the bible, why are they legal?

    1. Seriously? Can't imagine living my life in fear because of the ancient equivalent of the national enquirer.

  4. Say what??.. Who dreamed this one up?

  5. 2:17, so if you see one on your date, you know to drop him/ her like a hot potato and run like heck!

    Oh, and change your number and leave no forwarding address!

  6. Everyone has tattoos now. It really is not cool. When I'm at walmart I'm in a sea of tattooed people. Tattoos are ugly.

    1. Do you have one? So that's not everyone?

    2. Walmart? Lol.

  7. You don't need a symbol of living well.... just use your brain and ask questions and live well.

    1. I agree they should be arrested. I'm with you it's very offensive. Think I'll start a petition to get it removed.

  8. Ask yourself this question....there was a recent report that being inked (getting a tat) can cause brain damage because of the chemicals in the colors. Why is that being told to us now? Why would I want to take that chance? Keep asking questions.


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