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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Danger of a Complacent Majority

Surrendering the culture wars to the secularists is not the answer

With all the calls to conservatives to give up on the culture, the only thing lacking is a drone-riding witch over the Statue of Liberty skywriting “Surrender Dorothy.”

Right on cue following the Supreme Court’s demolition of marriage, The New York Times’ housebroken conservative David Brooks said it’s time to move on and leave cultural political issues in the dust.

First, he accurately diagnosed the situation: “More and more Christians feel estranged from mainstream culture. They fear they will soon be treated as social pariahs, the moral equivalent of segregationists because of their adherence to scriptural teaching on gay marriage. They fear their colleges will be de-certified, their religious institutions will lose their tax-exempt status, their religious liberty will come under greater assault.”


Then he offered a solution:


  1. "They fear they will soon be treated as social pariahs, the moral equivalent of segregationists because of their adherence to scriptural teaching on gay marriage."

    Shouldn't it say:
    "They fear they will soon be treated as social pariahs, the moral equivalent of segregationists because of their adherence to scriptural teachings."

  2. Hidden dangers of the rainbow is here. Educate yourself and beware


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