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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Tawes Festival

To those of you, (more than likely one person) sending in comments complaining about my not being present for the Tawes Festival yesterday, a family member had a medical procedure yesterday in which I had to drive to and from. 

Now, if you people think an event like Tawes should be more important then my being present for my Family, you're nuts. My Family will always come first before this Blog. 

Let me remind you that what we provide each and every day, 365 days a year is a FREE service for literally MILLIONS of people. If you think my priorities are out of line, STOP coming here and click the big red "X" in the top right hand corner of this page. 


  1. $45 for sysco food. No thanks. You want to see pictures of Tawes, go to the EBT blog.

  2. There's no reason to expect you to be at EVERY event on the Shore, Joe. Take care of what's important!

  3. I hope all is well with everyone in your family Joe. THEY do come first.

    I don't know what anyone said but you do a GREAT job and it is much appreciated by those interested in Salisbury.

    Thank you.

  4. I don't see why this festival is such a big deal. Who wants to go sit on blacktop in the hot weather to eat crabs and drink beer. It's good for the politicians to get out and meet people but it just has never tickled my fancy. I will have crabs at home with friends. Joe you did the right thing!

  5. Why would anyone even worry about where you are and where you aren't?
    Talk about worrying about nothing.
    Anyway who in their right might would want to go there after Jonathan Taylor advertised he planned on making an appearance.
    There isn't enough money in the world that anyone could pay me to be anywhere near that waddling blob of putridness.
    That liar is the rankest foulest thing to ever have graced the eastern shore.

  6. What's the big deal? That festival blows.Long lines. Drunk retards. The sun on asphalt. Yeah Joe, you did what most people did. Not go! Big whoop. You don't have to explain yourself to know one. Hope your family is OK.

  7. Ever notice the more you do for people or the more service you provide the more people expect and want? Some people are never satisfied.

  8. Hope this sets a future precedent -- not attending this absurd event.

    BTW -- the difference between SBYNEWS and the blogger buffoons (Taylor and Swartz) is they think posting multiple pictures of this and similar things is "news", not to mention the Daily Times and other main stream media.

    Please keep up the good work by presenting information and exposing things that they either can't or won't touch, which is why the lower shore needs SBYNEWS!

  9. Festival is nothing but a drunkfest.

  10. Saw JT on his scooter - I think he ate all the crabs, shell and all.

  11. Hope the family is doing well Joe, nice to see your priorities in line.

  12. Glad you put your family first.

  13. If you went you would have seen the terrible location the Republicans had. Who did that Welfonder? Schwartz?

  14. Those of us who know you best are not surprised you put your family first. Hope all is okay.

    BTW, the clam bake is highly overrated.

  15. Joe I am sorry and of course your family is more important. Please consider that many of us have come to rely on you as a news source. When you don't covet it we wonder why. Is it time for you to hire a reporter?

  16. If Pollitt was there was any food left for anyone else? I stopped going a long time ago. Too many drunks, then worrying about my car being broken into, it just wasn't worth the drive.

    A good person keeps what is most important always first and you did the right thing for all the right reasons. You don't owe any explanations.

  17. Let those "Buffoon Bloggers" go ga-ga over BS like happened in Crisfield yesterday, and keep getting the real news for us. We don't need tons of pics about idiots, taken by idiots, who -- like mad dogs and Englishmen -- go out in the midday sun in July to swill booze and hang out with each other.

  18. 2:48-I saw him eating a hard crab sandwich.

  19. Anyone who would pay $45 for face time with Jimbeau Ireton and Fake Day is an idiot.

  20. Well I'm pretty sure you know who was making the multiple comments, also trying to throw in a plug for his blog and asking our viewers to go to his Website.

    Nevertheless, Family will always come first and not some over rated crab fest. Even if it was an election year, (which it's not) I would have made the very same decision.

    Look, I have a more than understanding Family when it comes to this Blog. Think about it, I've been at it for TEN years now and NO, I did not reach out to the Governor, Franchot or our state delegates to ask for a proclamation recognizing how long we've been in business.

    As for the actual event, I've spent so much money going to that event over the years, it was so hot it was almost impossible to eat. I asked one of our people if they would like to go and they said, HELL NO, not in that heat. I agree.

    I stood in line for food standing on black top pavement for far too many years and guess what JT & MS, when I want to meet and greet with a politician these days, THEY COME TO ME or they invite me to their home of office. And don't ever try to challenge me on it because I always have pictures to prove it.

    Thanks for understanding everyone. We covered more important news all day aside from BS stories of information politicians want you to hear instead of the TRUTH.

    I made the right move and I'm glad the majority of you understand.


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