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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

SPD: Shoplifting Suspect Walmart. Can You ID?


  1. The Walton family has the combined wealth of the lowest 130 million Americans.....for every job that Walmart creates 3 jobs are lost in the local economy. Who is the thief.....Walmart.

  2. Stealing is wrong, period. It doesn't matter what your opinion of Walmart is. There is NO excuse for stealing anything.

  3. Then don't shop there 1:17.


  4. To 1:17
    If Wal-Mart closed up and the family members devoted their time to counting money like Scrooge McDuck, where would the 1.4 million plus employees work? And all the suppliers employees in the logistics chain?

    And where would customers find the products they need and want locally?

    Many of their items were never, ever stocked locally by any other business. I'm not their fanboy; get stuff there if it's convenient but cross-shop with other local and national firms. Hours of operation play a role; ability to buy numerous varied items in different categories plays a role.

    Get real!

    1. Yes you could get all that before and without a Walmart. How do you think folks got along before them? Who do you think put them out of business? You may have to travel to a couple more stores and I'm sure more stores would mean these folks still would have a job opportunity.

  5. Why spend money on video cameras if you can never see who it's recording

  6. Before Walmart, we had a plethora of smaller stores that catered to their local customers. Merchandise was sourced from factories employing American workers, who spent their money in those shops. We had far more entrepreneurs and plenty of room for an enterprising individual with initiative and a work ethic to succeed and prosper.

    Now, almost everyone is a drone, ringing a cash register, folding made-in-China shirts, stacking potting soil and gathering carts.

  7. aint spd walmarts own personal police force. let them solve it!

    1. No they are walmart police depts inmate shuttle service. A free on call taxi. The loss prevention folks work harder and solve more crime than any SPD or Deputy in this county.


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