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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Sex Offender Registry


  1. Yep...Another sucker on the USELESS LIST..LOL..Folks wake up and see how useless this list is as it is today. At one time it was created with the right ideal. But no has grown into a nightmare with many on it that does not need to be on it and if you go on it.There is really no way for the common person to know who is who and at that point makes it useless. There is cases where someone a year r so younger had sex with someone and they got put on it and the couple ended up getting married and having a family and the person is still on the list. The list is getting SO large that Law Enforcement is unable to keep up with it and even wants a change to fix it so it is not so useless as one day it will totally be gone as it should in the way it is now today.

  2. This makes as much sense as the actual registry! Not one person has been protected by it, ask the FBI, they say it is a huge waste of time and money. The victims usually know the molester, he is the stepdad, friendly uncle, brother, neighbor, older friend, 99% of the time.

  3. A ridiculous waste of taxpayer money. Funny bit though

  4. There was NO LIST when my children were younger so I didn't know that the guy that was stalking my kids was a sex offender. If there had been a list...maybe I would have found out before they became his victim. I am thankful for the list...but just wish it was there years earlier. Where there is smoke...there is fire people.

  5. 4:43 The so-called monster that was stalking ur children..had he been convicted before of any sex crimes ?? I would bet NO...So U as a parent is in control and folks like you can't think the government will protect you and your children as it begins at home and YOU to watch Your children.

  6. 7:10 apparently..this blogger does not want the truth out..but I will attempt to post once again. The offender had been charged but was not in jail. He flew under the radar for years and it took a single mom to get out and beat the streets to find his victims and get him behind bars. No one should protect your children if you are not protecting them first.


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