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Thursday, July 09, 2015

Secret White House Gay Wedding Revealed

Before the White House was bathed in rainbow light to celebrate the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage nationwide, a secret gay wedding was conducted in the building by former Obama speechwriter Jon Lovett.

Lovett, who worked for Obama during his first term, reveals that he used his White House privileges to sneak in a pair of gay men under the guise of giving them a tour, then performed a wedding ceremony in the Rose Garden without the knowledge of the president.

“We were very nervous. They were nervous because they were getting married. I was nervous because I snuck into my boss’ house to perform a wedding against his wishes in his backyard,” he said. “You can say what you will about the first same-sex marriage at the White House, at the very least, it was quite rude.”



  1. It's not the fact they were gay, or had a secret marriage ceremony in the Rose Garden.

    It's the fact he snuck in two unauthorized visitors to a highly restricted area. And for that alone he should be fired, and barred from the premises.
    That kind of deliberate security breach is no joking matter.


  2. Now open, OweBama's Rainbow Wedding Chapel. Heterosexuals should pick a date after January, 2017. And no cake; you can bring celery sticks.

  3. HEY....everybody else is sneaking in or jumping the fence.... why not? This just shows the amount of respect this white house has today.

  4. It is the fact that they are gay. How disgusting and disgraceful to participate in that kind of vile behavior at the peoples white house

  5. 5:17 made a key point. It IS the people's White House. All people!

  6. Has anyone looked at all the commentators and journalists on CNN and MSNBC lately? They are all gay. Look at the gays with the Daily Times. Look at Phil Davis. They are all gay and that is why the media is being allowed to force this Homo lifestyle on us.

  7. We will have a gay President in the next 30 yrs.

  8. That's not the President's White House, it's ours. He just lives and has an office there.

  9. Just another example of the sick, degenerate, perverted government that has taken this nation by storm. From SCOTUS to POTUS our religious rights are being ever so slowly taken away. Neither SCOTUS or POTUS can change the hearts and minds of true Christians. Gay marriage is an abomination and sin, period. Gays say to love all people but I wonder what they'll say on Judgment Day? Liberals, democrats and gays are slowly destroying the American way of life. Have we finally had enough yet??

  10. 9:42. Nobody is taking away your religious rights. Worship as you please...when, where and how. No problem. Live your life the way you want to live your life. No problem. I don't think anyone is forcing you to become gay or marry someone of the same sex. You'll be just fine on Judgement Day. No need to worry about anyone else.

  11. Hey, 10:14, there's a $135,000 problem in Oregon that you are totally ignoring!

    Wake up and smell the coffee!


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