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Monday, July 06, 2015

Scientist claims immortality within reach

A visiting American research scientist says he is close to discovering a 'cure' for ageing, that he could have a drug ready for testing by the end of next year

A visiting American research scientist says he is close to discovering a ‘cure’ for ageing, that he could have a drug ready for testing by the end of next year.

Molecular Biologist Dr Bill Andrews told TV ONE’s SUNDAY programme that humans shouldn’t have to suffer from the ravages of ageing. He says that ageing is a disease that should, and could be cured.

Full article here


  1. Well, if you find that cure, you'd better find one for pregnancy the next day!

  2. wow hope he does not die before he reaches it.

  3. Great. So I can live forever and watch politicians and presidents cause the complete decline and ultimate death of what's left of America.

  4. 927-What do you mean, what's left? America's been dead for decades. The founding father's would roll over in their graves seeing what "Americans" accept from their federal gov't.

    The Revolution didn't work, just delayed what we see today, America is just another European country. High taxes, debt spending, entitlements run rampant.

  5. Good.. The longer we live the more taxes we can pay...

  6. I'm already there , salvation will give you life forever.

  7. Actually Britain had a better way.They had order and the strict laws necessary in our country.Their loss of the Revolutionary War was the beginning of all of our problems today.The repercussions of that loss are with us as much today as they were during the years immediately following the Revolutionary War.Anyone who cannot look all around them and see the calamity is blind.The US is a product of the absence of law and order.

  8. this would be the end of mankind... overpopulation!!!

  9. Real simple. The only way to stay immortal is to borrow an ass load of money from people right before you die. They'll talk about you forever!


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