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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Rush: Trump Tells Establishment to 'Go to Hell'

Donald Trump is defying "conventional belief" by doubling down and refusing to apologize to Sen. John McCain for comments made over the weekend that at first questioned the senator's reputation as a war hero before saying that he is one, talk show host Rush Limbaugh said Monday.

"The American people haven't seen something like this in a long time," Limbaugh said on his radio program. "They have not seen an embattled public figure stand up, double down, and tell everyone to go to hell."

Limbaugh insisted that he is not a Trump apologist, but said the media and politicians are following a typical trail they use when they want to get rid of a public figure, and the talk show host said a similar pattern is often followed on his own controversial statements.



  1. This is too funny.Americans have come to expect apologies for everything.We are a dumbed down bunch when it comes to that.Our country is crap because of current and previous "leadership" and all anyone thinks about is an apology for telling the truth.

  2. I don't care for or about Trump but I agree no way should he apologize. As they say don't apologize it is a sign of weakness.

  3. This is why top-notch, A-1, quality people don't participate in elective politics. You get dragged over the coals for telling what you perceive as truth.
    You almost need to be some sort of saint to possibly pass muster through a "gotcha" press and media. Those vultures would find SOMETHING in the past of, say, Mother Teresa!
    Like Trump or not, it's damn refreshing to hear somebody - anybody - speak their mind in a public forum, something I haven't ever heard in 40 years of following politics.
    I just may vote for the guy...

  4. Apologizing when wrong is NOT a sign of weakness, it's a sign of maturity. That being said, Trump is speaking out what the citizens have been thinking and not getting heard. This is why so many like him. He's their voice, even if he oversteps. At last their being heard. I happen to agree with much he has voiced, but my concern is, he has been a supporter of Hillary and other liberals and liberal issues in the past. So who is he, really?

  5. Trump still seems to be the only person that will not back down to anyone. His honesty and not being afraid of making anyone mad, makes him the best candidate.

  6. Trump is the biggest clown running for office. He is the most arrogant man on this planet; even over Obama. Even if he had good ideas to fix this country they will all be ignored because he is crazy. His arrogance and his big mouth will be his downfall.

  7. 1:05 No, a bigger clown is is the dangerous lying one, Hellary. Would take just about any of the R candidates running against her, including Trump.

  8. 1:05: Crazy? $10 billion dollars crazy.
    When you make your first million, c'mon back and talk about arrogance.
    I see it as utmost confidence - and beholdin' to NO ONE.

  9. 1:34

    It needs to be pointed out that Donald Trump inherited a vast amount of money from his father, Fred Trump. Possibly as much as $200 million. So in essence Trump never "made" his first million.

    I would vote for Trump and in a heartbeat; but that being said, he has virtually no chance of winning. And he isn't helping himself now. Stirring up the fanbase does not win national elections.

  10. McCain has been sitting on his hands and not helping vets like me. He is a pos

  11. I'm voting for trump.

  12. Trump is a chump! He is arrogant not confident. All the money in the world can't change the fact he is out of his league. He sounds like a spoiled child who has everything and doesn't feel like he has to answer to anyone. Having a lot of money doesn't qualify you for president. He lacks manners and social skills and especially good common sense.

  13. 2:34 Yet still better than the president we have now and the witch running for president!

  14. Donald Trump's comments prompted me to do some of my own research on John McCain's Navy records...

    After wrecking 4 Navy fighters he finally had one shot out from under him. And, I'm guessing that McCain’s antics on board the USS Forrestal on July 29, 1967 are something he'd rather not have revisited, either.
    It's been reported by numerous sailors on the flightdeck that day, that his 'wet start' of the A4-E he was in cooked-off the Zuni missile responsible for that catastrophe, with 27 dead and over 100 wounded. Immediately after the incident he was the only person transferred off the USS Forrestal.
    I'd have to say, that 'trumps' McCain’s record as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. In fact, the VC did us a favor by keeping him as long as they did.
    One thing I'm certain of is that Donald Trump had NFI about the size of the worms that would be crawling out of that can he opened.

  15. I am a former naval aviator and I can verify that McCain's A4 was the plane responsible for the Forrestal fire. It's even on film and very apparent where the missile originates.

  16. From the F4 behind him, the one he wrecklessly washed with his hot exhaust, right 3:57PM? That pilot was one of the 27 dead.

  17. Trump at this point reminds anyone familiar with the history of Teddy Roosevelt before he became president. TR was considered by much of the mainstream media to be an arrogant crown prince and much of the Republican elite despised him for his outspoken nature, which was sometimes directed at them. Many credit him with saving the party from an oblivion that might otherwise have occurred.


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