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Thursday, July 30, 2015

River bacteria that killed Mechanicsville man identified

The river bacteria that contributed to the death of a Mechanicsville man last week has been identified as Vibrio vulnificus, a health official said.

Charlie Horner, 75, died after a cut from a catfish barb became infected with the bacteria Saturday at the Rappahannock River in Essex County. His leg was amputated Monday to stall the spread of the infection, but he died two days later.

Horner’s was the first death of 2015 reported in Virginia attributed to Vibrio vulnificus. There have been 17 cases so far this year, five of which were from wound infections, according to preliminary state data.

Human cases are rare, but health departments say residents can take steps to prevent infection.



  1. Possibly in Salisbury now? Check out Jim Ireton's facebook page. Someone and their dog got some kind of bacterial infection from the water by the Zoo in the park...

  2. I often hear of people who think it's good to submerge an injury in the ocean (salt water) a lake, a river, etc.
    It is not good due to bacteria. If you get a cut or an abrasion, apply neosporin and stay out of the water except if it is coming out of your faucet until injury heals. Pools are fine.

  3. Vibrio vulnificus. It even sounds evil.


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