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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Report: More than 238,000 vets died while waiting for medical care

Nearly one-third of veterans currently waiting for medical care provided by the Veterans Affairs Department have died, according to a VA report obtained by theHuffington Post.

According to the July 13 article, more than 238,000 of the 847,000 on a list of veterans waiting for healthcare through the VA have already died.

Because the the names appear on the list to begin with, that means that the veterans died while waiting for medical care.

The information comes from an April 2015 report called "Analysis of Death Services" and was provided to the Huffington Post by Scott Davis, a program specialist at the VA Health Eligibility Center in Atlanta.

Members of the House Veterans Affairs Committee have issued statements about the news and are pressing the VA for answers.

Committee Chairman Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) said the new report "highlights VA's ongoing mismanagement and calls into question VA's ability to adequately care for our nation's veterans."

And Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.) sent a letter (pdf) to VA Secretary Robert McDonald with a list of demands.

Coffman wants the VA to provide the committee with a list of veterans waiting for healthcare as well as a plan to get those veterans medical care.



  1. As s veteran and father of a member of our armed services, it makes me sick to think that one veteran has to wait for medical care while we spend MILLIONS on medical care for law breaking ILLEGAL immigrants. Not to mention the millions we spend on free medical care, food, housing, cell phones and God knows what else for those so called Americans collecting their ENTITLEMENTS. I hope Obama and every left leaning, sanctuary city loving moron finds out some day what the words true sacrifice means.

  2. Intentional downsizing as horrible as that sounds.

  3. agreed 11:36, agreed... That is all it can be unless it is to show you how to bring down a nation by flipping what was great about it and make it no great...

    Which is why, god, love and everything else has been removed from this country... Now you have vets, Christians and everyone else other than Mexican or muslim getting shafted...

    They want all the vets and old people to die off so they can't fight or teach pride and patriotism... They want the old to die so they won't suck the money out of the system even though they put it there by working all their life... that is why you see doctors getting bonuses for talking about end of life crap and why they don't do preventative measures anymore... Which is also why now when you go to the hospital you get a staph infection or you have to wait for 4 hours to be seen... of course if you come in on an ambulance then they will see you right away...

  4. With the money the government saved by not treating these War Veterans, Michelle can spend another two days on vacation !!!

  5. at the same time they are making plans to provide sex change surgery benefits

  6. yeah and the US Confederate Flag is a more important issue.
    Things that make you go HMMMMMMMMM

  7. This, if true, is absolutely unforgivable. Every person in this country should be outraged. Every person in a supervisory role within the VA should be terminated and or imprisoned. Every elected official in the federal government should be impeached and imprisoned.

    Maybe there needs to be a fraud Czar for the federal government that is responsible for weeding out fraud and those committing it.


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