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Friday, July 17, 2015

Pres. Pledges to Bring Internet to Poor Households

President Barack Obama has unveiled a new initiative as part of his pledge to expand high-speed broadband access to all Americans. Speaking from Durant, Oklahoma, the president on Wednesday introduced ConnectHome, a pilot project to help "close the digital divide" by bringing broadband to poorer communities.

"In this digital age when you can apply for a job, take a course, pay your bills, order pizza, even find a date" by using your connected phone, Obama said, "the internet is not a luxury, it's a necessity."

He said while more than 90 percent of households headed by a college graduate are connected, fewer than half of households with less than a high-school education are plugged in.



  1. Free = Reparations.

  2. WE pay for everything else they have, why not internet!

  3. You know what, I am sick and tired of his spreading the wealth to the "poor." Why don't he pay some of my bills? Better yet why don't he kick them off welfare and make them work for a living!!

  4. Yes at tax payers expense, just another FREE program.

  5. what about rural people, can we just have internet?

  6. why. They have no computer and no money to buy anything on there. Its like giving someone a car and there is no road for them to drive it on and they can not afford the gas etc. More wasted governemnt money.

  7. Anonymous said...
    WE pay for everything else they have, why not internet!

    July 17, 2015 at 9:09 AM

    They already get free laptops from Comcast and only have to pay $9 per month for the internet. I guess that is to much money for them.

  8. Comcast offers cheap broadband to poor families

    Cable giant launches its Internet Essentials program today in Washington, D.C., to offer low-income families more affordable broadband and computers.

    Nothing like rubbing it in our faces Obama now that Comcast already gives them free internet. You people are so stupid for allowing this crap to happen.

  9. Why is everything a right or "necessity" these days?! Internet is a LUXURY, not a necessity! After years of being raped by Comcast, I finally cancelled my internet service and that hasn't affected or bothered me at all. I'm saving a good amount of cash each month too. So let's say that free internet is provided to these leaches, what is the government going to pay for it? Everybody knows that certain areas technically have a monopoly held on moderate to high speed internet service so they can charge what ever they want because they are the only viable option and they know you need/want it. I, for one, fall into that category - other than satellite service, Comcast is the ONLY internet provider in my area. Now given the fact that this happens all over the nation and given the fact that the government doesn't often shop around for the best bargains, it is almost a certainty that the Government (AKA us taxpayers) will be paying a premium for internet service. I'd be willing to bet you could have a two identical homes next to each other (one on subsidized internet and the other not) with the exact same internet service and I could guarantee you that if we looked at the bill for each home that the government would be paying much more for the subsidized internet than the non subsidized tax payer. Providers like Comcast would be in bed with the Libs to pad their pockets. Actually, I'm wrong... that could never happen because the subsidized internet would probably be far superior AND more expensive than the taxpayer who is paying their own way. After all, they need the fastest speeds possible to watch YouTube and play xBox in between filling out applications...

  10. These programs must be funded by the House of Delegates. Block it there.

  11. Good bye Comcast. I am not participating. And when I cancel they will know in no uncertain terms why.

  12. We taxpayers are already providing free internet service at the public libraries. It is ridiculous to insist it's a "right" to have it in every home.

  13. Why? They don't use it. they are not looking for jobs, products to buy, or anything else. Maybe trying a Craigslist scam ad at best.

    If they do dat, they can pay for it.

  14. They all have play stations and Xbox consoles, they "need" the internet so they can hook up their games to play online.



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