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Sunday, July 12, 2015

O'Malley to Lay out Plan for Debt-Free College

Democrat Martin O'Malley is calling the high cost of college a "crisis" as he lays out a goal of debt-free tuition for all students at public colleges and universities within five years if elected president.

O'Malley, a former governor of Maryland, will outline his plan Wednesday at an event in the early-voting state of New Hampshire. O'Malley is struggling to catch fire with Democratic voters who are preoccupied with rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Focusing on college costs could help him make inroads with younger voters in New Hampshire, where the average student loan debt burden is the highest in the nation. But he's not alone in addressing the problem. Sanders is calling for free college tuition and has introduced legislation in the Senate to tax financial transactions to pay for it. Clinton has emphasized the need to lower college costs but has yet to be specific on policy.



  1. Marty's promising free stuff so he can get elected! Problem is that it's not free to the taxpayers.....I don't want to pay for 'everyone' to go to college....I already know too many people that should not have been allowed to graduate high school - let alone get in to management positions in the federal government.....and he wants others like them to be able to go to college FREE!


  2. Let' me guess. His plan for debt free college is to have the taxpayers pay for it!

  3. Greek politicians used the same similar tactics, vote for me and I'll give you free stuff.

  4. I am sure it involves spending some elses money.

  5. Why don't this fool crawl back under his rock and shut up!

  6. This guy love's giving hard working people's money away to low life scum for college. Then the go for free and continue their thug activities on campus. UMES ANYONE? ???? You couldn't pay me enough to work at that zoo.

  7. He's a detriment to society and has messed up MARYLAND and now wants to mess up the rest of the country.

  8. CAN WE FIND A $15.00 an hour Job at McDonalds for him to do?

  9. I love how they say free

  10. Just another Demorat crook...

  11. Maybe is there was not so much waste and fraud, colleges would not be so expensive. If you really only knew.

  12. He did so well in the state of Maryland, why would anyone listen to this jerk?

  13. This clown never quits trying to raise taxes.


  14. Or how about not enrolling unless you can pay the tuition?

    Why not free threads at popular stores?
    Free downloads on your Obamaphone?
    A free new car to roll off to kellege in?
    Free beer faucet in the dorm room?
    Free college diploma tucked into your HS diploma so you don't even need to enroll?

    Hope he's back busking for quarters in short order!

  15. What a douche bag. I have a problem paying for someones college when I had to pay for mine.

    Am I going to be reimbursed for the hundreds of thousands that I spent on my college education??

  16. I have a better idea. Make the teachers actually teach in public schools before they even attempt to put someone in college. Didn't you see the video of the idiots who had know idea what the 4th of July was and and why it was a holiday.

  17. College is not a right; it is an option and an investment in yourself in hopes of a higher income later on. Making college "free" to everybody will flood the market with college grads and nowhere for them to work. The existence of easy to obtain student loans has already started to flood the college graduate job market. I graduated from college over 10 years ago before the bubble burst and I had a hard enough time finding desirable work; I can't imagine what college grads are going through now! If the government pays for every idiot off the street to go to college then what does that solve? NOTHING! If anything, it will cause more problems and further legislation. Look at what they have done with No Child Left Behind and Common Core in our schools. Are they going to institute that in colleges so that nobody is slighted and everybody passes? Sometimes life isn't fair and if you are stupid and/or lazy then it really sucks for you...or should...

    In addition to the above, college isn't for everybody nor should it be. This stigma that "you have to go to college" to be successful is a bunch of BS. This was the case for me and I often regret going to college. I currently like my career, but there are other paths that I could have taken that I think I would have enjoyed more - paths that would have not required the time and expense of going to college. There is no shame in vocation and getting your hands dirty to make a living!

  18. Listen up college people, o'taxie will promise you the moon but he can't and he won't deliver the goods. He drove businesses out of the state of Maryland, created taxes and fees at an unsustainable rate and people have left the state in droves. He is nothing but a con artist who wants to be king of the hill and doesn't gave a damn about you or your problems, or your family other than how much can he get out of you for his own gain. The man is a thief, liar, and cheat and the best thing you can do for yourself is stay as far away from him as is possible.

  19. As Jerry would say...Yada Yada Yada


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