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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

O’Malley Pushed For Publicly Funded Hotel That Has Been Hemorrhaging Money

In 2008, construction was completed on the 757-room Baltimore Hilton, a $305 million publicly-funded hotel spearheaded by Baltimore’s mayor at the time, Martin O’Malley. The hotel, in seven years of operation, has never turned a profit. The best year of operation saw a $2.9 million loss.

“It’s the biggest boondoggle ever. It’s hemorrhaging money every year and has less-than-stellar performance,” Democratic Maryland state Sen. James Brochin told The Daily Caller.

Originally intended to draw revenue from a supposed untapped convention market in Baltimore, the Hilton Hotel project slowly began losing money when conventions passed on Baltimore for other locations such as Austin, Texas and nearby Washington, D.C.



  1. Yep government run enterprises with the exception of military are failures. But hey their buddies get pockets full of money. We get taxed to death and holding the bag

  2. As always, great job by government.

  3. gubmint = Martin OweMalley (and his dear friend George Soros)

  4. Union jobs, funding boondoggles is what unions do best. Especially when it's no investment of their own. Taxpayer funded capitalism. Oxymoron.


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