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Thursday, July 09, 2015

O’Malley Cites Satirical Article In Major Campaign Document

Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley’s campaign recently released a major white paper on how he would reign in financial institutions had a huge mistake: the first source it cited was a satirical news article.

In the white paper, the O’Malley campaign cited an article titled “Eric Holder Takes $77 Million Job With JPMorgan Chase” by the satirical news site, The Daily Currant. Buzzfeed reporter Andrew Kaczynski pointed out the gaff, and that the O’Malley campaign quickly removed The Daily Currant citation.



  1. Just goes to prove o'taxie knows nothing about reigning in any financial institutions; fact he is to blame for the state of MD going down the tubes in a hot financial mess. He would be the last person to listen to about any financial advise on anything. He is trouble.

  2. He is an idiot! His motto is if it sounds good let's run with it, doesn't matter if it is true or not.

    A loser.

  3. O'Malley? I thought he dropped out.

  4. He probably knew of the article's satirical nature but being the pathological liar that he is, he thought he could pull it off to the low information voters that are attracted to him. His voters are certainly stupid enough to believe it.

  5. Why can't he spare us of his stupidness and retire.


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