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Friday, July 10, 2015

Officials warn of flesh-eating form of heroin

MANCHESTER, N.H. —First responders in Manchester said they may have detected the first sign of a form of heroin that eats away the flesh of users.

Paramedics with American Medical Response said June was the worst month for heroin overdoses this year, with 67 calls and 10 fatalities.

Although such calls have become routine, shift supervisor Chris Hickey said a call last week was unlike anything he has seen.

"With someone who is literally rotting away in front of you," he said. "It turns the stomach of even the most seasoned provider."



  1. That's what we need around here,get rid of the trash.

  2. The krok is bad news. Heard about it years ago. Cost ten bucks worth of under the sink cleaning products to make like an ounce of this crap. I actually pray it takes over. It will kill the dopers quicker and maybe we'll be free of them for good! No idc of they're peoples loved ones. Save it! These days and times people know what happens when you do dope! No reason for new addicts. It's worth the lives of all of them, ones who did it to themselves, to rid the country of this epidemic!

  3. I hope the drug dealer on Wetipquin road sells some of this crap , all the druggies from Nanticoke to Hebron get their herion there. The cops know and nothing is done.

  4. OK cops if you know about dealer on Wetipquin Road, why are you not doing something about it?

  5. Hey NEWS ALERT....for years brothers in business in da bury were not only known dealers for years and years...but the most elite were their users. People think that there is a war between good and evil?? The real war is between the wealthy and the little people that get in their way from time to time.

  6. Yes this drug has been out for years now...stay ahead of it educate your children... I'm a super horrible 'mean mom' who show's their kids the hard facts of drugs....from news stories to the many friends I've lost over the past few years. You can judge me that's fine but I can't tolerate opiate abuse. Opiate abuse it why I don't see a doc for my neck and back pain...that's what they'll want to do drug my pain not fix it...I won't become a statistic. I do what I can naturally but it's still not gonna fix the problem.

  7. They can lace it with acid for all I care. It should be a one time death sentence. Cull them quickly so it's less of a tax burden.

  8. Did you ALL not do one thing in your youth that was stupid and you regret? Did you have to die for that one stupid thing? Is this a new form of social housecleaning? Where did this come from? Can this drug hit your family? Ask questions people. E

    1. Yes we have all done something wrong. We didn't know then. Now everyone knows the dangers of drugs. No reason for it to continue to exist.

  9. Back then, 238, please view "Reefer Madness" and tell me what you knew. Drugs get laced with cheap garbage from day one in 1962!

    Some of it was real, and some like the movie was propaganda.

    THAT's the problem!


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