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Sunday, July 26, 2015

OBAMAMERICA: White Family Flying Confederate Flag On SUV Shot At By Angry Blacks…

On Monday, a father of two who, for obvious reasons, wished to remain anonymous told hisshocking story on Charlotte’s ABC affiliate, WSOC TV, insisting that his truck was targeted last Saturday by a group of black men upset over the Confederate flag he was flying from the back of the vehicle.

The ABC reporter said that up to six shots were fired at the truck, with two hitting the vehicle and another going through the window of a nearby home where a young African American woman lives.

One bullet slammed through the driver’s side door of the family’s SUV, lodging itself underneath the seat where the man’s fiancé was sitting. Another bullet burrowed into the windshield frame only inches from his head.



  1. Seems like the blacks will resort to violence because of the flag - while whites use it to show heritage and history.

  2. Sounds more like someone set out to make a point and got more than they expected.

    1. Can you imagine what would happen if a group of white rednecks shot up a van load of Black Panthers!!! Obama would have the Department of Justice all over this

  3. Replies
    1. Absolutely, and should be treated as such!

  4. Odd. It seems to be the lefties that are getting vicious, violent, belligerent, and intolerant.

    That isn't what they've been preaching, is it?

    In fact, that's what they say we are.

    Huh. Go figure.

  5. This is a sad country we live in! White America you better wake up soon!!

  6. 804, read a history book. That flag had nothing to do with your "point".

    1. You just keep telling yourself that.

  7. Just shows their mentality. They see a flag, and suddenly they are "angry" and so overcome with instant rage that they must attempt to commit murder.

    Seriously, who does that?

    And why are people who are that unhinged and have such poor impulse control running around free in public?

  8. White's are now the minority in this country!

  9. 10:26 - their owebamaphones won't work in prison where they belong!

  10. Anonymous said...
    804, read a history book. That flag had nothing to do with your "point".

    July 24, 2015 at 8:50 AM

    Make sure you read the right history books. The victor tells history the way they want you to hear it. You know, sorta like they are doing now with the flag!!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Odd. It seems to be the lefties that are getting vicious, violent, belligerent, and intolerant.

    That isn't what they've been preaching, is it?

    In fact, that's what they say we are.

    Huh. Go figure.

    July 24, 2015 at 8:19 AM

    Very similar to Islam and the Muslims isn't it! No wonder the Democrats coddle the Muslims.

  12. Wait for the crazy white boys start shooting. And they will hit their target.

  13. I bet he said "Did her confurit flag is shure gonna fire up them coloreds.". I'm glad he got his wish.

  14. So they get to act like animals and thugs but "Whitey" is supposed to act lawfully? Wow! Hasn't this country paid enough? Welfare, free housing, free phones? Multiculturalism is hard at work here.

    1. I sat across from two big fat women and a young (12ish) girl while they complained about having to do paperwork to get their gov check. They complained about the line at SS and how they weren't getting enough. They talked openly about inappropriate sexual subjects in front of the young girl, who was chiming in from time to time. The adults were grossly obese, dirty, and dressed in newer but classless outfits. All were white. It is VERY rare to hear black families talk that way. If your talking about the lowest of the low classless trash, look at your own race.
      I worked in a sales job were I had to verify income and usually ended up finding out a lot about the customer in that time. Many of those I delt with were on public money. I noticed a trend that Blacks tend to use either the SS system, or some private benefit (church or community org). They tended to at least think of this as a means to an end while they looked for more/better work or got an education. It was the white trash who would "stack" all available programs and squeeze as much out as they could with no plan or desire to DO anything more than collect. The amount of your checks is a point of pride in the white trash community. I also noticed that of those on programs, Whites had higher percentages of severe drug and alcohol abuse.

    2. Your sales job does not qualify you to make generalizations about demographic distribution of degeneracy, merely a subcategory.

      My experience, in a non-sales job, is quite the opposite.

  15. Shoot back. They haven't taken law abiding citizen's guns yet.

  16. 4:15 - I hope that no one suggested to you that the white community doesn't have its share of pure trash, as well. Look at all of the whites who voted for Obama.

  17. This is merely an extension of their agenda.
    "Give us what we want or we're going to take it by violence." Unfortunately, most governments (city, county, state and federal) are bowing to that agenda instead of standing up to it.

  18. This is the result of Obama's promise to bring people of all races and backgrounds together for a unified America. A complete failure!


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