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Monday, July 06, 2015

Obama White House Pays Women 15.8 Percent Less Than Men

The Obama White House pays its female staffers 15.8 percent less on average than its male staffers, according to an analysis by the American Enterprise Institute.

AEI economics scholar Mark J. Perry looked at the salaries of all White House employees, which are publicly available, and averaged out those who were male and female.

Female staffers earned on average $65,650 a year to male staffers' $78,000, Perry found.

"Therefore, female staffers in the Obama White House currently earn 84.2% of the median salary for male staffers, or 84.2 cents for every $1 men earn, and there is a 15.8% gender pay gap at the White House," Perry wrote. "That pay gap is slightly smaller than the 17.9% gender pay gap at the White House last year, but is still almost two times the average gender pay gap for Washington, DC of 9.2% according to the most recent data from the Department of Labor."

Still, Perry noted, President Barack Obama makes presidential proclamations annually for National Equal Pay Day. This year, Obama marked April 14 as the date at which a woman must work into 2015 to earn the same as a man earned by Dec. 31, 2014.

"On average, full-time working women earn 78 cents for every dollar earned by men, and women of color face an even greater disparity," Obama said at this year's proclamation. "I call upon all Americans to recognize the full value of women's skills and their significant contributions to the labor force, acknowledge the injustice of wage inequality, and join efforts to achieve equal pay."



  1. Have any of the male staffers called in sick due to monthly cramps, bloating, and overall bitchiness?

    Have any of the male staffers taken maternity leave?

    Wait - none of that crap is supposed to matter any more....and neither does qualifications, capabilities, or potential....too bad we can't replace a bunch of them with kiosks like Micky-Dees - probably get better service too!

  2. 1:30 you and your mentality are a prime example of the ignorance that rules the wage gap.

    You are either still single or a wife beater with that attitude.

    Male staffers now do take maternity leave including the gay ones.
    I do not apologize for having the wonderful ability to give birth, something you could never do.

    Typical smallsbury mentality.

  3. Maternity leave requires using sick leave, comp or vacation time.

    The point here should be equal pay for equal work.

  4. At least you'll have your job when you return from maternity leave.That's more than Bush was able to deliver with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.


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