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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Obama Honors Islam Before Dead Marines Killed by Islamic Terrorist; Americans Furious

White House sent out 'happy Ramadan' statement before commenting on Chattanooga attack

President Obama issued a statement yesterday urging Americans to respect the religion of Islam before he even commented on a terror attack by an Islamic extremist in Chattanooga which killed four Marines, prompting widespread anger.

The White House tweeted out a statement wishing Muslims “Eid Mubarak!” as Ramadan came to a close, adding that, “the holiday is a reminder to every American of the importance of respecting those of all faiths and beliefs.”



  1. Had enough yet Democrats? It is not possible to claim to be a Christian and support Obama. If so, you are a true hypocrite.

  2. POTUS is a Muslim first...American LAST!

  3. Obama is one of the worst people ever to hold public office. In my opinion he is a no good muslim islam loving sob.

  4. Thanks too all the dumb white libitards on the Eastern shore and thru out MD. How freaking stupid can you ALL be??

  5. I know people get their panties in a twist over this sort of thing, but nowadays social media posts are scheduled ahead of time. Sometimes people even hire others to create the posts for them (what, did you think the President was creating his own tweets?) This means the Eid greeting was already in the pipeline before the marines were killed. There's nothing to see here.

  6. I have talked to so many people in my circle and have asked the same question , " why hasn't someone taken him out" , none of us understand .

  7. Why is this spineless terrorist cowardly bastard still sucking oxygen???

  8. The truth is he could care less about America, Americans or those being held hostage in some God-forsaken country. The only people he cares about on some level are muslims and then only for his "legacy". He will have a legacy, it just isn't going to be the kind he is thinking about! A liar and a traitor and should be charged accordingly.

  9. "Anonymous said...

    I know people get their panties in a twist over this sort of thing, but nowadays social media posts are scheduled ahead of time. Sometimes people even hire others to create the posts for them (what, did you think the President was creating his own tweets?) This means the Eid greeting was already in the pipeline before the marines were killed. There's nothing to see here.

    July 18, 2015 at 4:56 PM"

    Oh come on. He has a ton of aids who could have immediately tweeted out a message, moments after the attack happened.
    What's you excuse for the white house flag not being flown at half staff?

  10. Have we had enough yet??


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