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Friday, July 03, 2015

Obama greeted with Confederate flags in Tennessee

If there’s one thing we know by now, it’s that some people in the South love their Confederate flags, so a bunch of people in Tennessee decided to greet President Barack Obama’s the only way they know how.

Obama was at the Stratton Elementary School in Madison to deliver a speech on his health care law, and several people lined the street, waving Confederate flags.

Some also were holding the flag along Obama’s motorcade route as he returned to the airport after his speech,according to The Hill.

Obama, along with a number of other political leaders, have called for the flag to be removed from government grounds in the South.



  1. Good for them. All good Americans should support the Battle Flag for the simple reason that the Government is rapidly taking our rights from us.

  2. i have a flag with the middle finger on it pointing to the WH.

  3. Bravo to those Tenessians for their patriotism! And thank you to SBY News again for choosing what the lame stream media avoids. Bravo !


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