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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Obama Greeted in Oklahoma City With Protesters Displaying Confederate Flags

President Barack Obama was greeted at his hotel in Oklahoma City Wednesday night by protesters proudly displaying Confederate flags.

The president was in Oklahoma to discuss economic development.

The Confederate flag came under national scrutiny after a white suspect in Charleston, South Carolina, killed nine people inside a historically black church.

Obama said that the flag belongs in a museum, adding that removing it isn’t about political correctness, but acknowledging “the cause of slavery was wrong.”



  1. Good for them. I hope people start defending Americans right to free speech.

  2. The cause of slavery? And what exactly was the cause there Obama? Uneducated sheeple.

  3. Three cheers for the protesters who promoted our history and our heritage before a world class kook who thinks himself an emperor instead of a president.

  4. I notice everyone uses the word heritage to defend the confederate flag. What exactly does that mean? What is the heritage that is represented by this flag?

    1. This guy made named Webster made a book called a dictionary. You had one in school. It was the real thick book that should've been used to beat you with instead of never opened.

    2. And failing that, there's a real nifty website called Google.

    3. No real answer..just childish trolling..

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I notice everyone uses the word heritage to defend the confederate flag. What exactly does that mean? What is the heritage that is represented by this flag?

    July 16, 2015 at 12:13 PM

    What do you think it means Chuck Kook! Get a grip an quit trolling on this blog.

    I saw you hanging out with your Homo Buddies in Crisfield yesterday. How dapper and gay you looked wearing your Michael Busch shirt. Did he give you permission to wear it. And thanks for trying to turn your son into a daughter. I see your wife agrees with you.

  6. We need more people like that to stand up for our rights. That small group isn't going to do it.

  7. That's a big Wahoo for them!

  8. Anonymous said...
    This guy made named Webster made a book called a dictionary. You had one in school. It was the real thick book that should've been used to beat you with instead of never opened.

    July 16, 2015 at 3:44 PM


  9. As our presidents and most our local leaders are useful idiots and demented Cult soldiers in the hidden dangers of the rainbow army.


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