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Sunday, July 26, 2015

NOT HIS FIRST RODEO: Editorial: End of tenure for City Manager David Recor good for the people of Fort Pierce

With a growing lack of trust by Fort Pierce commissioners, Recor's decision to resign gives city fresh start

David Recor made a name for himself in Fort Pierce. Unfortunately, it's not as good as it might have been.

Recor's resignation Wednesday after seven tumultuous years at City Hall — to potentially accept a job as city manager in Ocean City, Md. — was the best decision he could have made for himself and the city.

Hired as assistant city manager under Dennis Beach in 2005, Recor became city manager in 2008 despite questions at the time about Recor's management style, his truthfulness and his relationship with the City Hall staff, commissioners and the public.

Those concerns continued over the next several years and came to a head last fall when Recor survived a no-confidence vote, 3-2. The proverbial last straw came, however, as commissioners recently learned Recor remained a candidate for the Maryland job despite assurances that he was going to be more transparent and he had no intention of leaving Fort Pierce.

As recently as the City Commission meeting Monday night, Recor gave the impression he had no plans to leave. But, as he had been doing over the past several weeks in particular, he had been less than forthright about his intentions, though he claimed he had kept commissioners informed.



  1. Exactly, he's a liar, was then, is now. Maybe Pocomoke would be interested.

  2. How about a job as a Wal-Mart greeter?

  3. Police report is now released. He lied, no surprise. He had to be told to return to the scene, 19 minutes later.

  4. Shame on the Town of Ocean City for their pi$$ poor Due Diligence in vetting this Bird!!! Should of been very easy for his past to be discovered with Social Media available this day and time. And for the Council to be OK with him hiring his buddy for Planning Director without interviewing any of the other very qualified applicants is a disgrace. The Mayor and Council need to be more thorough in their endeavor in hiring top Department Heads!

  5. It gets me how all these towns hire these F'n rejects from way across the country. When will they ever learn!!

  6. 8:27
    Hiring local doesn't have any better results. How about Ireton, Tilghman and the chief of the SFD......enough said.

  7. 8:27 Who said hire local? Why not hire the most qualified?

  8. I believe Recor replaced Dennis Dare, not Dennis Beach.

  9. Up jumped the devel, now the shoplifting, deception, domestic violence all coming out. Good-by David, karma is a bit**

  10. Dennis should apply. His 85,000 current pension, plus another 165,000 sure would make his x happy.

  11. The people that selected Mr Recore aren't here anymore so they can't pass judgement on whether David met their goals.

    It's a tough job. The Council micromanages ANY replacement. They DON"T listen to his recommendations and only know how to dictate the desires of the Council. How could Record ever be successful.

    If the Town does this again, they own the black marks. The mayor has failed twice remember in providing a capable TM.

    Ironically, it has been the seasonal bus drivers who have received all the blame for 10 years or more for the Town's financial woes while Unionized components bask in their continued pay raises. I don't know how long this can go on.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Hiring local doesn't have any better results. How about Ireton, Tilghman and the chief of the SFD......enough said.

    July 21, 2015 at 8:49 PM

    You are correct, but the real candidate that Ireton should have hired got screwed out of the position with the help of a few back stabbers and then the wannabe fire chief forced him out illegally.

  13. Anonymous said...
    8:27 Who said hire local? Why not hire the most qualified?

    July 21, 2015 at 8:59 PM

    What makes you think the most qualified are not local? They usually are!

  14. It is truly astounding how these misfits wind up here on the Lower Shore and are considered worthy despite their real records and history elsewhere. Another recent example - Ron Pagano.

    Not to say that all "come heres" are bad, but that pair has shown why we need to have proof of their past before putting them on a pedestal or in a public position.

    Again, this blog gets kudos for exposing Pagano before last year's election, in which he was a Democrat candidate.

  15. Unless and until the people who are paying the Mayor, Council and overpaid dead-wood employee's salaries stand up, put their foot down and take a stand, NOTHING will change in the Town of Ocean City government. Period. End of story.

    1. You only wish you were qualified to do the jobs you are referring to..

  16. Actually, I am. I left TOC for much greener pastures. Too much 'good ol boy' bs and people who aren't actually there to WORK and EARN their paycheck!

    1. And pigs fly. I bet you were terminated just like Recor, Thornes, $ Nelson. The 3 stooges.


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