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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Northwest Ohio Judge Refuses To Perform Gay Marriage

"The declination was based upon my personal and Christian beliefs established over many years," the judge said

A northwest Ohio municipal judge assigned to a courtroom where civil marriages are performed refused to marry two women less than two weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage, the judge’s office confirmed on Wednesday.

Toledo Municipal Judge Allen McConnell was on a three-week rotation assigned to perform civil ceremonies on Monday when Carolyn Wilson and her partner asked to be married. McConnell acknowledged the decision in a Wednesday statement.

“On Monday, July 6, I declined to marry a non-traditional couple during my duties assignment,” he said. “The declination was based upon my personal and Christian beliefs established over many years. I apologize to the couple for the delay they experienced and wish them the best.”

On June 26, the Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. Constitution provides same-sex couples the right to marry, handing a historic triumph to the gay rights movement.

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  1. Good for the judge!
    He Knows his Bible!

  2. A judge will a set!

  3. I thought religion was supposed to be separate from the government. And the judge works for the government.

  4. Finally, someone who has the nerve to do what's right!

  5. One of the other judges stepped in and said to send all gay marriage s to her and she would do them.

  6. there is also a Gay Bakery in Florida that refused to bake a cake for a straight person opposed to Gay Marriage ... it went viral the Baker wants the FBI to go after a pastor in Arizona ... imagine that?..

  7. Gays cannot "Marry"

    No matter what you do you cannot marry to of the same sex.

    "Marriage" results in the creation of a child.

    The metal defect called gayness does not produce children.

  8. 3:29 The she judge would probably both those women as well!

  9. 3:51 No children no marriage?


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