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Thursday, July 16, 2015

No One Sums It Up Better


  1. Trump is amazing. Who else can pack that much misinformation into one statement? If you want to be against Obamacare, fine, but please use actual facts to argue your case.

  2. Well said. Trump for prez!

  3. Oh so true. Couldn't have said it better myself.

  4. gotta love the Donald, he's one of the few who doesn't give a rats ass about the status quo in washington!
    At least he makes it interesting!

  5. I saw this speech and later listened to the common taters response to it.

  6. More people should be informed! It is sad that people make jokes about this.

  7. That is a very accurate and awesome statement.....which I read about 5 to 6 years ago. I like Trump for his bluntness, but I don't think he was the author of that statement back then.

  8. 9:48-Duh,ya think?

  9. Say what you want about Trump, he speaks his mind, isn't afraid, and yes, he can find his own balls when sitting in a bath tub ! That's more than I can say for that moron we have heading the white house now.

    No apologies here liberals, cry all you want. Some times the truth hurts. Deal with it.

  10. Wish Trump could go up against Obama on this issue. Obama would be left babbling.

  11. WOW!!!! I hope he stays in the race and people actually listen to what he says before they make their vote.


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