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Thursday, July 23, 2015

No More Deals


  1. Oh plez, he had nothing to do with it. They wanted to embarrass Carter and stick it in his eye.

  2. That's because Reagan said he would go in and kick their asses. By today's standards, Iran knows Obama lies and has no balls or support of the American people. That's why he had to make back door deals on the the deal he just did us in with.

  3. And then he secretly sold them weapons.


  4. Then, and now, the mullahs know how to read our leader (in present time 'leader?').

    They knew Ronaldus Maximus would clean their clock!

    They knew Obama and Kerry were willing to make a very bad deal just so they could say they made a deal. And that they both lack backbone.

  5. It still bothers Democrats how popular and respected Reagan was. I cannot name ONE democrat with the character and integrity of Reagan. He was respected and a man of action. Will go down in history as one of the best presidents in our history.


  6. USMC - I couldn't agree more. If I had my way, I'd dig him up and put him back in his chair in the Oval Office.

    Even sitting there dead, he would still be a hell of a lot more effective than what we have now.

  7. 10:21 Carter is an old senile fool that hands nails to carpenters that build houses for poor people. He was also known as America's worst President ever, until Obama took that spot.

  8. Forget Trump then. If we are just looking to scare the world into submission by electing a known crazy then Charles Manson 2016. I wanna give ole Charlie the button cause theres a chance Trump might not use it.

  9. They were deal making before he was sworn in.


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