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Friday, July 17, 2015

New York City Mayor Proposes Banning Cigarette Smoking — In Your Own Home

New York City, N.Y. – The government’s war on the individual’s rights is now being expanded to include smoking in your own home if New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio has his way.

Mayor de Blasio’s plan includes attempting to coerce developers and landlords to ban smoking inside of apartment buildings as part of his administration’s agenda to reduce smoking in New York City.

The claimed impetus is so that neighboring tenants don’t have to inhale secondhand smoke.

But it also means that smokers would be prohibited from smoking in one of very few places a person can currently smoke in NYC; their own residence.



  1. Good luck with that one

  2. Lots of condo buildings already have this

  3. It will happen because it can be proven that smoke can travel from one apartment or condo to the next. After that they will ban smoking outside in your backyard because the smoke travels from one yard to another. You already can't smoke on a hotel balcony for this reason. When they initially banned smoking in restaurants people who knew said this would ultimately be the end result but people wouldn't listen. This is what always happens. You give a group an inch they take a foot then a yard finally the whole mile.

    Look at what happened with the Confederate battle flag in South Carolina. In less than 10 years all symbols of the Confederacy will be removed from public property after that in another 20 years in will be banned from public view.

    25 years ago you could smoke anywhere you wanted in a lot of restaurants all over the country. Then there were dedicated smoking sections, after that you could only smoke outside, finally in a lot of places smoking is banned totally on the restaurant property.

  4. Soon there will be no freedoms left in this Country. Next it will be your fireplace and BBQ grill. Yet, the State Governments allow dope to be smoked anywhere.

  5. Do you see how far they think they can reach into your life?
    Where did they get the idea that they had that authority. Or power??
    Guns, ammo, food, water, medicine, fuel, tools.
    Get them.
    LOL. You can be assured THEY won't have any of them......

  6. he can go suck rotten eggs, too.


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