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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Netanyahu: Iran Deal 'Historic Mistake for the World'

Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is blasting the Iran nuclear deal.

"I will refer later to the details of the agreement, but before that, I would like to say here and now – when you are willing to make an agreement at any cost, this is the result," Netanyahu said.

"One cannot prevent an agreement when the negotiators are willing to make more and more concessions to those who, even during the talks, keep chanting: 'Death to America.'

"We did commit to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and this commitment still stands.

"I say to all the leaders in Israel, it is time to put petty politics aside and unite behind this most fateful issue to the future and security of the State of Israel."



  1. The world laughs as the USA continues to weaken and crumble under this embarrassingly weak and naive administration. Hopefully, Congress on both sides of the aisle will wake up and vote intelligently to avoid our collapse.

  2. It looks like it comes down to this or actual military action.Are there options that don't involve one or the other?

  3. I don't think he is naive. I think that was his plan all along to destroy America from within over a period of time. Look at his administration, look at all his appointments, look at each department how they have turned their collective backs on the Constitution, our belief system, and our safety as a nation. He is a shell plain and simple, planted and paid for by Soros the enemy of the state to systematically destroy this country. He bullies Congress to do his bidding or else, he controls the supreme court that should be above reproach, but has turned a deaf ear on the Constitution.

    This is traitorous actions. Congress needs to act and resolve we will have a race war, get it over with and save this country for everyone.

  4. So what do you recommend? Make em a parking lot? We get to keep an eye on them with this treaty? If they cheat lie we will know? or our Other options:continue the current level of deception, hostility? and they get a bomb sooner?Believe me I don't trust the Iran or the UN. But keeping your enemies close adds some sense of sanity to this situation. Guess Saudia Arabia will now seek the bomb in my opinion.

  5. Most people who are so outraged about this deal couldn't care less about Israel or the Jews. Their hatred for Obama is the singular reason for their comments. This was not a unilateral deal. There were 5 other countries involved. Let Israel use 1 of their 200 nuclear weapons and keep us from shedding any more blood in the Middle East.


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