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Monday, July 13, 2015

NAACP Leader Says Baltimore Mayor Told Him Not To Host Republicans

Hassan Giordano, a leader of a Baltimore branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), said he was told that hosting Republican outreach in his office is off limits.

Mr. Giordano, who calls himself “not the average conservative” because of his Muslim faith and criminal record, told The Daily Caller of irate phone calls he received for trying to work with Republicans.

“When National found out that I was bringing the governor [Larry Hogan, a Republican], the lieutenant governor [Boyd Rutherford, a Republican], and Dr. [Alveda] King to Baltimore and the Sandtown NAACP office, they literally called and said, ‘There’s no way in the world they can come into our office,’ ” Mr. Giordano told The Daily Caller on Friday.

“Then the Mayor [Democrat, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake] — who kind of gave the us the NAACP office in Sandtown — called and said, ‘No, you’re not allowed. And then, the president [of the Baltimore NAACP branch, Tessa Hill-Aston] called me and she said, ‘You know they’re having a fit because you’re bringing in too many Republicans.’ “

Read more here


  1. Simple resolution-stop all Federal funding to this city and let them have their utopia!

  2. Fascism. Plain and simple.

  3. ...and nothing will be said or done to this liberal organizations tax exempt status...same thing with all of the historically black churches that play politics all the time...yet never lose their non profit status with the IRS.

    There is racism in our country to be sure...it just happens to be perpetuated more from the black community than from any other. I thought that we would move on in my lifetime...and most folks that I know certainly have...but on the job and in most aspects when I encounter blatant racist behavior, it is emanating from those who happen to be black.

    The democratic party did a real number on the black families under LBJ...they allowed the government to enslave them yet again. The confusion and ignorance that festers can only be treated with the antidote of freedom...but with freedom comes personal responsibility, and you must surrender your "victim" card if you want to grow and prosper.

    Those that grasp liberty are called names and are said to have "sold out". This makes the chasm wide and deep.

    Perhaps sadder still is how our entire country is caving in this direction. With another 30 million added to welfare rolls under the democrats, their mission of a welfare state of bondage is nearing completion. So many are willing to trade their birthright of freedom for a cheap free meal.

    Let freedom ring...

  4. 9:16 they are doing what the federal government wants them to do

  5. Racism will cease when it is no longer profitable.

  6. Based on her passed actions and decisions she has made its reasonable to believe this is accurate.

  7. Baltimorons deserve this mayor for voting for her. What an absolute waste.

  8. 10:55.. Bingo!

    Too many people have built empires 'helping' victims of racism, and too many people are addicted to using affirmative action, rather than building character and qualifying on their own.

    Self-respect has an amazingly liberating effect.

  9. What, afraid of seeing another side to the arguments?
    Talking with Republicans will not kill your Golden Goose, but refusing to will make you look like a fool and give ammunition to those whom you consider as political enemies, and will weaken your organization, not strengthen it.

  10. God forbid people come to resolutions to help end racism and try to live as one. The Democratic folks are afraid their plan may fail. They just have to keep that divide. This article proves that the blacks are the ones holding the blacks down. Not the white man.

  11. I thought it was the NAACP, not the NAADP. So, white people can now join?

    Racist political organization. Not at all about helping others!


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