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Friday, July 03, 2015

MSP Press Release 7-3-15 (Motor Vehicle Collision - Fatal)


  1. What a shame. I can't even ride my Harley without idiots trying to kill me through their negligence.

    1. Jumping to conclusions there aren't you? Your Harley probably wouldn't start anyway, so no worries.
      Perhaps the ricer was running 120 mph like I see so often.
      Still a shame, all lives matter.

    2. All lives matter? I doubt it to you. Your sarcastic remark shows.

  2. It doesn't matter what you ride, idiots will kill you.

  3. When you ride, you pretty much have to come to a stop at any intersection with a vehicle in it that is in any position to do you harm, of get through it before that traffic gets there.

    That's the way I play it. So far, so good.

    NEVER assume that anyone else is going to yield right of way or follow traffic laws!

    1. So your that jerk that goes under the limit at intersections and rides your brakes!
      You have to assume dummy. If not a half hour trip will become a couple hours!

  4. Anonymous said...
    Jumping to conclusions there aren't you? Your Harley probably wouldn't start anyway, so no worries.
    Perhaps the ricer was running 120 mph like I see so often.
    Still a shame, all lives matter.
    July 4, 2015 at 7:16 AM

    I am not the original commenter, but my Harley will run circles around your Donor Cycle.


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