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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Microsoft Lays Off 7800, Demands More Immigrant Workers

Tech giant Microsoft announced Wednesday that it will be laying off approximately 7,800 employees worldwide, bringing a denunciation from a federal lawmaker who says the firings expose the company’s calls for more immigration.

The firings, which will eliminate about 7 percent of the company’s workforce, are concentrated in Microsoft’s troubled mobile phone business, and will eliminate most of the remaining employees from its purchase of Nokia’s phone operation in 2013. Only some of the layoffs are in the U.S., with Finland being hit especially hard with over 2,ooo jobs lost. The firings follow up on the 18,000 layoffs the company made last year, which were also concentrated in the phone business.

Now, Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama is slamming Microsoft, saying the layoffs show it is being dishonest when it lobbies for increased immigration into the United States.

More here


  1. I will never buy the Planned Parenthood platform again. I am going to buy my first Smartphone today and it won't be one from the bigoted Bill Gates... since we all are guilty of the sins by our fathers

    1. How about that. I totally 100% agree.

  2. 3:41 Speak for yourself. I won't accept any guilt or any blame for "sins" committed by anyone other than myself.

  3. Good choice. Foreign labor is best for production jobs!


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