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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Mia Farrow puts lion dentist's address on Twitter, faces backlash

Mia Farrow took some Twitter heat Wednesday for joining other angry social media posters and blasting out the business address of the dentist who killed the beloved lion Cecil in Zimbabwe.

Some apparently thought the actress had listed Walter Palmer's home address in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, calling for her verified Twitter account to be suspended under the site's terms of service.

A Twitter spokesman said the company does not comment on individual accounts for privacy and security reasons. He directed The Associated Press to official Twitter rules and policies that allow wiggle room on disciplinary action when information was previously posted or displayed elsewhere on the Internet prior to being put on Twitter.



  1. This woman has always been witless.

  2. Someone should punch that Ahole in the mouth. Another lose trying to be relevant.

  3. post her address so the wackos can visit her!.

  4. Every since she gave birth to Satans' child she thinks she's all that.

  5. Anyone that does this should be arrested and charged with some sort of hate crime.

  6. She has been so irrelevant for soooo long...

  7. Why not? Dentist is proud of what he did.

  8. People should not have their private information publicized like that.
    While I don't agree with what he did - he has rights until he is convicted of what he did!

  9. I notice that the person who stated "good for her" won't even put their name on their comment but has it down an anonymous .. So apparently they don't want their private information publicized either

  10. Liberals are more tolerate of kitty cat lives than human life.


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