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Monday, July 27, 2015

McCain And The Cowardly, Do-nothing Republicans

Sen. John McCain is a war hero, despite many remaining questions about whether he “broke” and passed classified military to the North Vietnamese during his confinement in prison at the “Hanoi Hilton” during the Vietnam War. At the time, McCain’s father was the admiral in charge of the Navy’s Seventh Fleet in Asia, and he was a valued war prize for then Vietnamese leader Ho Chin Minh. McCain was beaten and left disabled during his captivity by his inhuman captors.

Years ago when I was chairman and general counsel of Judicial Watch, in the late ’90s, before I ran for the U.S. Senate in Florida and before I founded Freedom Watch, I met with McCain in his Senate office. I was flattered that of all the senators serving during the criminally minded Clinton administration, he was the only one who had reached out and seemed to take a personal interest in the work I was doing at Judicial Watch.

Most importantly, we had just uncovered perhaps the biggest scandal in American history: the sale of government access, services and classified information to the Communist Chinese by Bill and Hillary Clinton, much akin to what the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics did with Iran in furtherance of their RICO criminal enterprise while “Hill” was secretary of state under the Obama administration.

Read more here


  1. I don't care for McCain due to the fact he and ALL the rest don't care about you or me. This republican congress are the most weak in US HISTORY. I don't care about McCain the so called war hero If he acted then as he does now he's not a hero. Why do you think Trump is up in the polls?? People are tired of the same political BS coming from the good old boy's. I really hope Trump wins even if only I one term. They all said the same thing about Reagan and that turned out pretty damn good.

  2. Trump is a moron who raised millions for the Clinton's and Obama. Check his record.

    1. Who cares besides you. He is a man trying to make money. What do you want him to do limit his ability to make money by hanging with only one group. Any president needs to play both sides.

    2. I checked he did not raise any money for Potus!!! Show me the site bc I believe you are incorrect.

  3. He is just like the rest of them in Washington They are a bunch of manipulating crooks doing what it takes to get a Government check they don't deserve since they are not doing the Peoples work and not representing the People. Those idiots in Washington are no better than the majority of welfare, SSDI and illegals drawing SSI /SSDI recipients. In other words a bunch of Crooks.

  4. Voters now must hold their nose when voting. We have a growing group of todays politicians who aren't capable of the truth. Probably should vote for the one who has lied the least.


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