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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Mayor announces new plans for city rec centers

BALTIMORE —A new plan for the city's recreation centers and pools was unveiled Tuesday by Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Baltimore City Recreation and Parks and community members.

Under the proposal, more than $136 million will be invested in fitness and wellness, community centers, outdoor and indoor pools and splash pads, and athletic field complexes.

"Our goal is to transition the city's aging recreation centers into a new network of high-quality facilities in order to better serve Baltimore's communities," Rawlings-Blake said. "This plan is a necessary investment in our city and a result of my commitment to quality recreation programming for all residents."

In addition to releasing the plan for recreation and parks, the mayor asked the City Council to schedule a hearing on a plan presented last year to sell four city-owned parking garages downtown and dedicate the -- estimated to yield up to $50 million -- to the recreation center improvements, funding that would enable construction to move ahead more quickly.



  1. gotta give em room to destroy...

  2. Great! !! Let's reward the animals who destroyed the city with a new 138 million slip and slide. Not to mention on my back and others who work everyday.

  3. I have to agree , we will need more recreation centers , after all , in another year nobody will be working. This will give all the people something to do.
    Just a reminder , if you travel around the bury , you will noticed many playgrounds , I've yet to see any young people using these facilities. However I have noticed that it is a breeding ground for drug transactions.

  4. Off topic but indicative of how anything you try and do for these people is useless.

    From today's Sun-"City officials have suspended operations of the Safe Streets anti-violence program in East Baltimore after police officers found seven guns and drugs stashed inside the Monument Street office.

    Police said a robbery investigation led them to the office, and two employees were among those arrested. The suspension sidelines the program's work in East Baltimore at a time when gun violence has been spiking."

    Then about a month or 2 ago heroin and needles were found in the Baltimore NAACP office and the woman in charge said (lied it's what the NAACP does best) they were her son's diabetes needles.

  5. Don't forget the live target shooting range.

  6. They should put some ex felons in charge.

  7. Midnight basketball, anyone?

  8. I triple dog dare you to take your family to one of these swimming pools.

  9. Everybody needs to shut up. Many a white people like the builders have become multi multi millionaires because of good all obeying house slaves like Rawlings Blake.
    She is in charge of riling the peons up. We need this. We need that.
    Then the builders get on board and wine and dine Blake and the council to build build build knowing full well the peons will crap it up in no time flat which guarantees the builders a constant flow of cash. It's a good gig they got going on.
    The rich get richer and go home to their estates in the suburbs and the peons continue to waddle around in their cesspools of crime and poverty of their own creation.

  10. I noticed there is nothing to advance any educational efforts.

    1. That's just throwing good money down a black hole.

  11. Good one 10:52
    I like that one
    So true
    Got me laughing


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