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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Martin O'Malley "A stronger middle class is the cause of economic growth."

A stronger middle class is not the consequence of economic growth, a stronger middle class is the cause of economic growth.

Posted by Martin O'Malley on Wednesday, July 22, 2015


  1. What a bunch of fools if they believe anything this a hole has to say

  2. He isn't wrong...

  3. That's like saying all of you can be rich too!

  4. There is no limit to how many people can be rich. We all have a standard of living far greater than someone in 1915 because of economic growth & creation. For example, a 40 inch HDTV which is now under $200 would have been well over $500 a few years ago- why? Because supply became progressively cheaper and then demand went down as more people were able to afford them

  5. He raised our taxes 47 times. (Middle class) he is a pos.

  6. He is right in what he says, but he has a proven track record of destroying the middle class. So let's get this straight, he uses the middle class as a stepping stool, only to stomp them into the ground once he is elected. Don't be fooled America!


  7. Wow! Let me be the first to put forth OweMalley as a sure lock for the Nobel Prize in Economics! The man's a freakin' genius!

    But, do all lives still matter? Or only middle class? Or only lower class?

  8. Sounds like the great Yogi Berra.

  9. the last decent demorat said something like, "a rising tide lifts all boats". owemalley now says that rising boats will pull in the tide.
    ...yeah, that makes real goodly sense.

  10. Whatever meds this nut is on he needs something to make him sleep.


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