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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Marriage Cheater Site Ashley Madison Hacked, Threatened to Shut Down or Have All Members’ Names Released

The cheater website Ashley Madison promises members that they can cheat on their husbands or wives in total anonymity. But now hackers have obtained the sex site’s data base and is threatening to release the name of every member unless the cheater site is shut down.

This would utterly devastate the whole point for this site if the hackers follow through on this threat. Members expect that they can arrange sexual encounters outside their marriage without their spouses finding out. But it this site’s entire membership is made public it would destroy the whole business, for sure.



  1. Lucy - you got some splanin to do...

  2. Couldn't happen to a more deserving group of scum.

  3. The lawyers are salivating.

  4. Today a bunch of names were released,apparently to prove they mean business I suppose.Nobody I know on that list.For once in my life I'm glad to be a loner.

  5. Just to be clear there are lots of people with my same name........

  6. No one, let me repeat that, no one, can guarantee anonymity on the net. When are the losers, and lamers, going to finally realize that.
    Your Facebook accounts, your Twitter accounts, your purchases online and more, are NEVER secure. Hackers will ALWAYS be able to elude the pitiful code developers are spewing., get that straight.


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