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Friday, July 17, 2015

Man Mistakenly Raised A Pair of Bear Cubs for Two Years

Think of the biggest prank you've ever pulled, and then multiply that 1,000 times, and you might have an understanding of the shock that a man from China's Yunnan Province experienced recently.

It all started a couple of years ago when Wang Kaiyu purchased what he thought were two puppies from a Vietnamese vendor. At the time, Kaiyu believed the pups would make good guards for his property.

As the "puppies" grew, Kaiyu became concerned by their odd behavior and strong appetites for prey (that included his pet chickens).

After seeing a wildlife protection announcement from the local forest service, Kaiyu realized his pets weren't canine at all—they were actually Asian black bears, a category-2 endangered species.



  1. Dang Wang. It took you two years to notice they didn't bark?

  2. Wow,that's almost as strange as what happened to me.I thought my first wife was a nice person when I married her...

  3. 10:21 I would have agreed with your comment fully 5 years ago! But I bout a dog and he doesn't bark! Crazy!! Hi whines and whimpers but won't bark!

  4. Maybe he thought they were those barkless dogs,like Besenji's

  5. I get it these are the same guys that tell you its chicken fu yung and later you kind out it was kitty fu yung. Poor guys they just have trouble with species disorder.


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